Common Domain Authentication issues and how to resolve them

Email domain authentication is essential for sending emails. This process, once completed, usually doesn't need to be done again. However, sometimes authentication stops working, preventing the creation of new workflows using that domain and even potentially leading to the automatic pausing of workflows that were using it.

This article lists the most common reasons why domain authentication stops working and how to fix them.


If you have not yet authenticated your domain, learn how to do it in this article.

1. How to Resolve Domain Authentication Issues

1.1. Authentication DNS Records Have Been Deleted

It is possible that during some cleaning process, the DNS records that authenticated the domain were deleted, which is one of the main reasons authentication stops working.


This error may be due to accidentally deleting the DNS records that authenticated your domain within your domain provider.

The solution in this case is to re-add the three CNAME records that appear in the configuration of your Store in Connectif and click on the Verify button. To do this:

1. In the left sidebar menu of Connectif, go to Store Settings and in the submenu of this screen, click on Email.

2. In the Email window, click on the Domain Authentication tab.

3. In the domains menu, locate the domain with errors (which will have the status Pending) and the three CNAME DNS records that you will need to re-add to your domain provider.

Common problems with domain authentication and how to fix them - 1-min.png

4. Access your DNS provider's platform and add those codes. Once done, update the DNS records. You can access the documentation of the main providers explaining how to do this, although you may need to contact your IT team to carry out this step:

5. Back in Connectif, click on Verify Domain to check that the records have been correctly added.


Keep in mind that DNS record propagation can take some time, so if you have just added them and the verification was unsuccessful, try again after some time.

6. As soon as the verification is complete, the domain will appear again as Verified in your account.


1.2. Migration to Cloudflare and DNS Changed to "Proxied" Type

If you have just migrated your DNS to Cloudflare, this may be the reason your domain authentication has stopped working.

By default, Cloudflare uses the Proxied DNS record type when you add a CNAME record, but in this case, it is incorrect and will not work properly.

To use these CNAME records, the correct DNS type to use is DNS Only.


If you need more information about Cloudflare DNS records and how to fix this problem, you can access their official documentation.


If after reviewing these common errors, you still cannot authenticate the email domain, do not hesitate to open a Support Ticket, and we will be happy to help you.



You have reached the end of the lesson.


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Remember that you have our Connectif specialists at your disposal. To contact them, simply open a support ticket by clicking on the blue "Help" button on your dashboard.


Keep learning!

To make the most of your Connectif account, we recommend continuing with the following articles:

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