How to Set Up Javascript

After adding JavaScript from Connectif to your site, it's possible that you have to change your settings. For that, go to "Integrations > Web > Advanced settings".




In case there's a change in advanced settings, Connectif's JavaScript will take two minutes, at max, to update. This happens because said JavaScript has cache time to improve it's own loading performance.

Authorized domains

Connectif can be installed on multiple domains (Webs) and allows such domains to be managed through the same account. This section allows the introduction of a list of domains that Connectif will consider as a valid source of information. Once a domain is inserted in the list, Connectif will verify that the source of the data received through its web integration belongs to one of the domains in the list, and will discard any data that does not. This validation mechanism guarantees the integrity of the data contained in the platform in case of a malicious attack.


It's highly recommended to fill the authorized domains field to improve the quality of web tracking and be protected against phishing attacks and the like.


Auto-Initialize client script

When enabled, it automatically initializes Connectif client JavaScript library on page load. You should only need to disable this option if you are doing some special on-demand integration. Otherwise, leave this option enabled.


Auto-Send events on Initialize client script

When enabled, it automatically sends all available events to Connectif when client JavaScript library has been initialized. You should only need to disable this option if you are doing some special on-demand integration. Otherwise, leave this option enabled.


Share contact profile across domains

This section allows for anonymous contact tracking across the domains that share the same Connectif account. An anonymous contact would normally be tracked as a new contact in each domain unless they log in in every single domain. At that point, Connectif would merge the anonymous profile of each domain with the single known profile. Enabling this option, will ensure that an anonymous contact across any domain, will have a single unified profile across all domains in which Connectif is installed that share the same account.


This option is not necessary if only one domain has been integrated with Connectif. Enabling this option implies a possible performance hit on the speed at which Connectif can load on the site. If in doubt, please contact support.

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