Date operators

Date operators allow you to compare date-type fields. Understanding the specifics of each one will help you design personalized strategies that utilize precise timing, allowing you to impact contacts depending on the date or the time elapsed since a previous action.


How to Access

Date operations are only available in the configuration of the "Has field" and "Check value" condition nodes when evaluating date-type fields.


In your workflows, you can access the configuration of these nodes by clicking on  (Edit node configuration).



The main interface for configuring the "Has field" and "Check value" nodes is similar and consists of six blocks:

1. Available data for evaluation: to select the "Date and time" field on which the condition will be evaluated. Includes a search field to make it easier to find the data.

2. Available comparison data: to select the value against which the data to be evaluated will be compared. Includes a search field to make it easier to find the data.

3. Node condition: to define the condition that the node will evaluate. It consists of three sub-blocks.

   3.1. Field to evaluate: to set the "Date and time" field on which the condition will be evaluated.

   3.2. Date operators: to set the date operator that defines the condition the node will evaluate.

   3.3. Comparison value: to set the value against which the field to be evaluated will be compared.

Date operators (screenshots August 24) - 1-min.png



The condition nodes perform a check (3) between data. Date operators are available when the data being evaluated is of the "Date and time" type.

To define a condition, drag the data to be evaluated (1) to the left column of the condition (3.1). Next, drag the comparison data (2) to the right column (3.3) and set a date operator (3.2).

Among the comparison values (2), you have two special options that allow for greater versatility when creating conditions with date operators:

— "Literal": to set a specific date for the comparison.

— "Today": to compare the date to be evaluated (1) with today's date, i.e., the day the condition node is activated.


1. Is the date

This operator allows you to compare whether two dates are equal.


In our example, it checks whether the contact has made a purchase today.

Date operators (screenshots August 24) - 2-min.png


2. Is not the date

This operator allows you to compare whether two dates are different.


In our example, it checks that the contact has not made a purchase today.

Date operators (screenshots August 24) - 3-min.png


3. Is before

This operator allows you to check whether the date to be evaluated (1) is earlier than the comparison value (2).


In our example, it checks whether the contact was created before 2022.

Date operators (screenshots August 24) - 4-min.png


4. Is after

This operator allows you to check whether the date to be evaluated (1) is later than the comparison value (2).


In our example, it checks whether the contact was created after 2022.

Date operators (screenshots August 24) - 5-min.png


5. The anniversary of the date is

This operator allows you to determine whether a date matches the specified anniversary.


In our example, it checks whether today is the contact's birthday.

Date operators (screenshots August 24) - 6-min.png


6. The anniversary will arrive in

This operator allows you to determine the days remaining until the anniversary of a specified date.


In our example, it checks whether there are 15 days left until the contact's birthday.

Date operators (screenshots August 24) - 9-min.png


7. Is within the time range

This operator allows you to check whether the date to be evaluated (1) falls within the comparison time range (2).


In our example, it checks whether the contact visits the website during customer service hours.

Date operators (screenshots August 24) - 7-min.png


8. Is within the last

This operator allows you to check whether the date to be evaluated (1) falls within the time period defined by the comparison value (2) relative to the moment the node is activated.


In our example, it checks whether the contact was created in the last seven days.

Date operators (screenshots August 24) - 8-min.png


9. Is any day of the week

This operator allows you to check whether the date to be evaluated (1) corresponds to any of the days defined by the comparison value (2).


In our example, it checks whether the contact visits the page during the weekend.

Date operators (screenshots August 24) - 10-min.png



You have reached the end of the lesson.


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