Integrate Connectif with Accela to utilize the search data generated by each contact in Connectif workflows, as well as insert dynamic content generated in Connectif into the search results provided by Accela.
In this article, you will learn how to perform the integration with Accela and how to store search terms and filters in custom contact fields.
Before you begin: prerequisites
To integrate your Connectif account with Accela, you will need:
- Script to collect data from Accela (provided the base in this article).
- Google Tag Manager implemented in the store, to collect the script with the data sent by Accela.
Depending on the CMS, the script can also be implemented in the eCommerce code, but doing it through Google Tag Manager is the easiest option.
STEP 1: Creation of the custom integration in Connectif
1. Access Store Settings in the left sidebar menu.
2. In the tab selector, go to "Integrations > Custom Integrations (webhooks)" and click Create new integration.
3. Set the field "Integration Name" to identify the integration.
4. (Optional) Customize the color, include a description, or categorize the integration.
5. Click on Update.
STEP 2: Creation of reception events
2.1. Creation of the opening reception event
(This section explains how to create and configure the event that will receive the opening of Accela).
6. In the Receive Data tab, click Create new reception event.
7. Assign a name and the alias "accela-open-layer". Click Save.
8. On the confirmation screen, click Back to event list.
2.2. Creation of the brand and price information reception event
(This section explains how to create the event that will receive the Brand, "Price From," and "Price To" information and configure the fields where that data will be stored).
9. In the Receive Data tab, click Create new reception event.
10. Assign a name and the alias "accela-brand-price".
You must assign this alias to match the Connectif Script. If you assign another alias, you will need to change it in the script of Step 3. Also, keep in mind that the price will only be collected if the contact interacts with the Accela price slider.
11. Click on Add a new field to create each of the custom fields and complete their information:
- Create a field with the name "brand" and ID "brand" of type Text to collect the brand.
- Create a field with the name "priceFrom" and ID "priceFrom" of type Decimal to collect the minimum price delimiter.
- Create a field with the name "priceUpTo" and ID "priceUpTo" of type Decimal to collect the maximum price delimiter.
12. Click on Save.
13. On the confirmation screen, click Back to event list.
STEP 3: Integration in Google Tag Manager to trigger the Accela event
14. Copy the following Script:
<script async src="">
15. Access the Google Tag Manager account where you will insert the Script.
16. Go to Tags and click on New.
17. Assign it a name.
18. Click on Tag Configuration and assign it the type Custom HTML.
19. In the HTML block paste the Script from point 14.
20. Click on Trigger and select All Pages.
21. Click on Save.
STEP 4: Storage of Information in the Connectif Contact Card
4.1. Creation of Contact Fields
(In this section, it is explained how to create custom fields so that the data collected by Connectif can be stored in the contact card).
22. Access Connectif and go to, from the left side menu, to "Contacts > Contact Fields".
23. Click on Add new custom field to create each of the custom fields and complete their information:
- Create a field with the name "Accela Brand" and ID "accBrand" of type Text to collect the brand.
- Create a field with the name "Accela Price From" and ID "accPriceFrom" of type Decimal Number to collect the minimum price delimiter.
- Create a field with the name "Accela Price Up" and ID "accPriceUpTo" of type Decimal Number to collect the maximum price delimiter.
4.2. Creation of the Workflow to Update Fields
(In this section, it is explained how to store the data sent by Accela in Connectif through a workflow).
24. Access from the left side menu to Workflows.
25. Click on Create new workflow and select Create blank workflow.
26. Connect the "Start" node to the Trigger node you created to receive the brand and price from Accela.
27. Connect the Trigger node to the "Set field" node.
28. Click on (Edit node configuration) of the "Set field" node.
29. Drag the fields you just created, with data source Contact, from the left column to the central block, so that they match the homonymous fields in the right column.
30. Click on Update to save the node configuration and save your workflow.
Keep learning!
To make the most of your Connectif account, we recommend continuing with the following articles:
- Inline recommender or coupon in Accela according to recency, to learn how to create this strategy to encourage purchases from new contacts and the recurrence of your current customers.
- Custom integration for receiving data, to learn how to use information that is not registered by default on the platform.
- External systems integrations, to integrate your Connectif account with Facebook, forms, and other webhooks on your website.
API integrations, to manage events such as purchase registrations or contact registrations.