Integration of web forms into Connectif


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The embedded forms feature allows you to collect information from any existing form on your website that was created outside the platform into Connectif. This way, you can easily send all the data that is already being collected in your eCommerce to Connectif.


How to access?

You can access the embedded forms through the path "Content > Forms".

Integration of web forms in Connectif (screenshots August 24) - 1-min.png



The main interface of the forms consists of 7 blocks:

1. Creation: to create new embedded forms.

2. Search: to search for forms by name.

3. Views: to toggle how the form list is displayed, such as cards or rows.

4. Filters: to filter the displayed forms based on their status and type.


This screen displays all forms, both those created in Connectif through web content and forms natively created on your website and integrated into the platform. You can easily distinguish between the two types using the filters.

If you want to learn more about forms in web content, click here.

5. Form list: to view the forms that match the selected filters, if any.

6. Form information: to review details of a form, such as its type or if it is activated.


It is possible to visually distinguish between forms In use and Not in use. Additionally, you can differentiate embedded forms from those created in Connectif by the preview image that accompanies them and by the additional field "Integrated from" included on their card.

7. Embedded form options: to manage and perform other actions with a specific form.

Integration of web forms in Connectif (screenshots August 24) - 2-min.png



There are two types of embedded forms:

  • Sign-up: Sign-up forms automatically store the contact's email. Through its configuration, it also allows you to subscribe the contact to the newsletter and notify the registered URLs responsible for notifying the subscription to your eCommerce.
  • Event: Event forms allow you to collect any data you wish to store in Connectif, except for the contact's email as an identifier in Connectif.


1. Create an embedded form

In the main form interface, click on   Create embedded form (1) and configure the steps in the wizard.

In the step 1. Basic configuration, change the name of the form, select the type and the URL where it is hosted on your website.

Integration of web forms in Connectif (screenshots August 24) - 3-min.png

In step 2. Select a form, if there are multiple forms at the selected URL, choose the appropriate form.

In step 3. Associations, map the email collected by the form to the contact's "Email" field.


Step 3. Associations, is only configured in embedded sign-up forms for the purpose of subscribing the contact.

In step 4. Configure the dataset associated with the event, select which fields from the form you want to import and, if necessary, edit them.


2. Edit an embedded form


Once an embedded form is created, it is not possible to modify its type or the URL where it is located.

In the embedded form options (7), click on Edit form and configure the steps in the wizard.

In step 1. Basic configuration, change the name of the form, select the type and valid source URLs.

Integration of web forms in Connectif (screenshots August 24) - 4-min.png


In Sign-up forms, it is also possible to modify the behavior after submission related to subscribing the contact to the newsletter and notifying the registered URLs responsible for notifying the subscription.

In step 4. Configure the dataset associated with the event, change the fields you want to be available when the form is submitted.


3. View strategies using an embedded form

In the embedded form options (7), click on More   , in the dropdown menu select View usages.

In the pop-up dialog, if the form is being used in any workflow, a list with the names of the strategies and the nodes where it is being used will be displayed.

Integration of web forms in Connectif (screenshots August 24) - 5-min.png


4. View statistics of an embedded form

In the embedded form options (7), click on More   and in the dropdown menu select Statistics.

Check the summary of statistics generated by the form and the most frequent results collected.

Integration of web forms in Connectif (screenshots August 24) - 6-min.png


If you want to learn more about statistics and data in Connectif, click here.


5. Deactivate an embedded form


Submissions from a deactivated embedded form are not detected by Connectif.

In the embedded form options (7), click on More   and in the dropdown menu select Deactivate.

Integration of web forms in Connectif (screenshots August 24) - 7-min.png


6. Reactivate an embedded form

In the embedded form options (7), click on More   and in the dropdown menu select Activate.

Integration of web forms in Connectif (screenshots August 24) - 8-min.png


7. Archive an embedded form


An archived form is not available in the initial view of the form list (5) and cannot be used in workflows.
Click on the Show Archived (4) toggle to have archived forms appear in the list (5).

In the embedded form options (7), click on More   and in the dropdown menu select Archive.

Integration of web forms in Connectif (screenshots August 24) - 9-min.png


An archived form cannot be used in new workflows; however, it is not deactivated when archived.


8. Unarchive an embedded form

In the view filters (4), click on the Show Archived toggle. In the embedded form options (7) click on More   and in the dropdown menu select Unarchive.

The unarchived form will appear in the default view of the form list.

Integration of web forms in Connectif (screenshots August 24) - 10-min.png


9. Delete an embedded form

In the embedded form options (7), click on More   and in the dropdown menu select Delete.

In the pop-up message, confirm the deletion of the embedded form by clicking on  Delete, otherwise click on  Cancel.

Integration of web forms in Connectif (screenshots August 24) - 11-min.png


It is not possible to delete a form that is being used by a workflow.


10. Limitations of embedded forms

It is not possible to integrate forms whose submission is not performed through a native browser POST request. Without page reload, the submitted information cannot be collected in Connectif.

In these cases, it is recommended to use Sending a form via AJAX to Connectif



You have reached the end of the lesson.


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