Purchase attributions


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A purchase attribution is the relationship between a workflow and/or content as a potential origin of a purchase. This estimated value allows you to measure or compare the performance of your strategies created in Connectif to improve the conversion rate in sales.


1.  Properties

A purchase attribution links a sale to a workflow, content, or both. For each, a level of reliability is estimated to measure the likelihood of its influence on the purchase, so that:

  • The attribution is higher the closer in time a contact's interaction with the content or workflow is to the purchase.
  • If the contact has interacted with several contents or workflows before purchasing, the purchase will be attributed to the one whose interaction is closest in time.

Clicks on  (Close) buttons and outside popups, also aimed at closing the content, are not recorded as interactions attributable to purchases.

  • Purchases may not be attributed to any workflow or content.

Attributions are distinguished according to different attribution scenarios that differentiate the contact's behavior in the interactions prior to making a purchase. Connectif evaluates in order if, for a new purchase, it falls into one of the attribution scenarios. If it finds a valid scenario for the purchase, it applies the attribution and does not continue evaluating more scenarios for that purchase.

The purchase attribution scenarios are as follows:


Scenario number 1 is obsolete and is no longer available on the platform.

Order Name Scenario Description Reliability Observations

Purchase after opening and clicking The purchase was made within 24 hours after opening a content, immediately followed by a click on that same content.
*Does not apply to web content.
60-75% The more time that passes between the opening and the click, or between the click and the purchase, the lower the reliability.

Purchase after clicking on a content link The purchase was made within 48 hours after clicking on a link in content sent from a workflow. If there are multiple clicks on links from different content, the last click will be given preference. 50-65% The more time that passes between the click and the purchase, the lower the reliability. The more clicks on links from the same content, the higher the reliability.

Purchase after opening content The purchase was made within 48 hours after opening content sent from a workflow. If there are multiple openings of different content, the last content opened will be given preference.
*Does not apply to web content.
40-50% The more time that passes between the opening and the purchase, the lower the reliability.

Purchase after sending an SMS The purchase was made within 24 hours after sending an SMS from a workflow. If there are multiple SMS sent, the last SMS opened will be given preference. 20-50% The more time that passes between the SMS being sent and the purchase, the lower the reliability.


2.  How to Use It in Connectif?

2.1. Viewing Attributions


1. Go to "Home" from the left-side menu to view your dashboard.

2. In Purchase attributions, check the global attribution percentage over the total sales of your eCommerce in the last 30 days.


Total sales and attribution data are updated every 24 hours.

Purchase attributions (screenshots August 24) - 1-min.png

3. In Top performance, discover the workflows and content that offer the best conversion rates in relation to sales.


Performance data also refers to the last 30 days and is updated every 24 hours.

Purchase attributions (screenshots August 24) - 2-min.png



1. In Purchase attributions on the dashboard, click on  View all purchases or go to "E-commerce > Purchases".

2. Click on  (View details) in the Actions column of the purchase you want to check.

Purchase attributions (screenshots August 24) - 3-min.png

3. Check the details of the purchase and its attribution, if any, as well as the reliability calculated based on the purchase scenario.


In our example, the purchase has a 46.9% chance of having originated from the sending of an email, "Abandoned Cart Email" generated from the workflow "Basic Abandoned Cart".

The most likely attribution corresponds to Scenario 3: Purchase after opening content, i.e., the purchase was made within 48 hours after opening content sent from a workflow.

Purchase attributions (screenshots August 24) - 4-min.png




If you access the Live View of a workflow by clicking on its name, from Top performance on the dashboard or from the attributions of a purchase in "E-commerce > Purchases", you can continue from step 2.

1. Go to "Workflows" from the left-side menu, and in the workflow you want to check, click on More   to expand the menu. Select Live View.

Purchase attributions (screenshots August 24) - 5-min.png

2. In the workflow editor, click on  Purchase statistics.

Purchase attributions (screenshots August 24) - 6-min.png

3. Click on  (View details) in the Actions column of the purchase you want to check.

4. Check the details of the purchase and the reliability of the attribution calculated based on the purchase scenario and the contact's behavior.

Purchase attributions (screenshots August 24) - 7-min.png


If the workflow includes different content, the detail view of the attribution will reflect the content most likely to have been the origin of the purchase.



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