The "Product" object type


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The "Product" object is a snippet of HTML code that is used to define an ecommerce product. 


What is it and where should I use this object?

The "product" object must be inserted in the isited product and searched product tags. It should also be used, adding the quantity and price, in the cart and purchase made tags, making it a  "product_basket_item".



A "product" object includes the following properties:

Name Required Type Multiple Description
url Yes string No Product page URL (unencoded)..
product_id Yes string No Unique product identifier in the system.
name Yes string No Product name.
unit_price Yes decimal No Product unit price.
image_url No string No URL of the product image.
description No string No Product description.
availability No string No It can have one of the following values: InStock or OutOfStock.
category No string Yes The category to which the product belongs. If your system allows sub-categories, you can indicate them with the full path of the category, separating each level with the character '/'.
For example: “/Computers/Keyboards/Logitech”.
tag No string Yes The tags associated with the product.
brand No string No Product brand.
review_count No integer No The number of reviews of the product.
rating_value No decimal No Standard product rating in the range of 0 to 5.
rating_count No integer No Number of product ratings.
thumbnail_url No string No URL of the product thumbnail image.
related_external_product_id No string Yes Related product IDs.
priority No integer No Priority of a product.
unit_price_original No decimal No Original unit price of the product.
unit_price_without_vat No decimal No Product unit price without taxes.
discounted_percentage No decimal No Discount percentage, range from 0 to 100 without percentage symbol.
discounted_amount No decimal No Reduced product price (should correspond to unit_price_original - unit_price).
published_at No datetime No Date of publication of the product in the store catalog in ISO 8601 format.
For example: "2020-05-20T15:12:20Z".
custom_field_1 No string No Custom product field.
custom_field_2 No string No Custom product field.
custom_field_3 No string No Custom product field.



Once the object is included, the tag containing it will look like this:

<div class="cn_product_visited" style="display:none">
<span class="url"></span>
<span class="product_id">pr9633</span>
<span class="name">Monitor ASUS Gaming v.6.9 Full-HD</span>
<span class="description">Monitor de ordenador con entrada HDMI de alta definición especial para gaming.</span>
<span class="image_url"></span>
<span class="unit_price">260.95</span>
<span class="availability">OutOfStock</span>
<span class="category">/Ordenadores/Monitores/Asus</span>
<span class="category">/Ordenadores/Gaming</span>
<span class="tag">Negro</span>
<span class="tag">Gaming</span>
<span class="tag">Full-HD</span>
<span class="tag">HDMI</span>
<span class="brand">Asus</span>
<span class="review_count">215</span>
<span class="rating_value">3.9</span>
<span class="thumbnail_url"></span>
<span class="related_external_product_id">pr10636</span>
<span class="related_external_product_id">pr11939</span>
<span class="related_external_product_id">pr12653</span>
<span class="priority">6</span>
<span class="unit_price_original">280.22</span>
<span class="unit_price_without_vat">240.67</span>
<span class="discounted_amount">15.32</span>
<span class="discounted_percentage">10</span>
<span class="rating_count">12</span>
<span class="published_at">2020-05-20T15:24:20Z</span>
<span class="custom_field_1">Información personalizada de ejemplo</span>

The previous example is included with the cn_product_visited tag.


The URL of the product must be that of the product detail sheet on the website and must appear without any encoding. 



You’ve reached the end of the tutorial.


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