Full-screen web content


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Full-screen web content is displayed as a window that completely overlaps the rest of the page, occupying the entire screen. In this way, you can target contacts immediately to draw their attention to something specific, such as special notices or offers.


In addition to the full-screen content explained in this article, Connectif works with up to five types of web content that you can use to personalize your interactions with contacts:
Inline web content
Pop-up web content
Slide-in web content
Floating bar web content



1. Properties

  • The full-screen, like all the other web content (except inline), is superimposed on the content of your ecommerce site, so no changes are required to the structure of the site.
  • Full-screen web content is designed in the Content editor, so no programming knowledge is required to create it.
  • The full-screen allows you to display personalized content when the contact navigates anywhere on your website and in response to their activity.
  • Using workflows, you can change the behavior of full-screen content depending on the contact and/or their actions. You can also establish responses to users’ interactions with the content.
  • A full-screen generates statistics related to views, interactions and participation in the purchase process.


1.1. General properties

The general properties that define full-screen web content are as follows:

  • Content name: the name you want to give the full-screen to identify it in your Connectif account.

  • Tags: catalog your content and locate it quickly by clicking Add tags and adding key words that will help you identify it.
  • Layout: the width of the content.
  • Animations: your full-screen’s opening and closing animation as well as the duration of these animations.
  • Borders: the color, thickness and style of your content's border.
  • Content background: the color and image effects for the background layer that is superimposed on your ecommerce site and against which the full-screen is displayed.
  • Close button: modifies the styles of the button that closes the full-screen.
  • Z Index: Numeric value indicating the order of layer overlap.
  • Responsive: responsive design threshold (up to what screen width will be understood as a mobile device).


2. How it’s used in Connectif

2.1 Create or edit full-screen content

You can create or edit full-screen content via two paths:

1. From "Content > Web content". You can click Create new web content to generate new content or click More and select Edit to modify an existing full-screen.


2. From the Send web content node in a workflow, by clicking (Edit node settings). You can click Create new content or Edit to modify an existing full-screen.


When creating new web content, select Full-screen as the type then click Create new content.



To learn about all the available settings and layout options when designing your full-screen content, see this article on the Web content editor.


2.2 Display full-screen content

To display full-screen content on your ecommerce site, two elements are required:

  • A full-screen web content design.
  • A workflow whose task is to display the selected content in the place indicated by the conditions set in its design.

If you want to learn more about how to display full-screen content in your ecommerce site, click here.


2.3 React to a click on full-screen content

When a contact clicks on full-screen content, you can respond with new actions using the node "On clicking web content". This way, you can give your campaigns a greater degree of personalization.


If you want to learn more about how to respond to a full-screen click in a workflow, click here.


2.4. Check statistics of full-screen content

Once implemented in a working strategy, full-screen content provides access to two types of data:

  • Statistics related to customer interaction with that content, such as views and clicks, among others.
  • Sales attributed to interaction with that content.

With this information, you can find out how much impact the full-screen content is having in each workflow where it is used.


If you want to learn more about full-screen content stats and how to access them, click here.




You’ve reached the end of the tutorial.


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