Node Limitations


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Node limitations is an option that allows you to configure the conditions under which nodes will not be triggered. Its use enables nodes to be automatically paused either temporarily or permanently to best align with your strategy.


How to Access?

Create a new workflow from “Workflows > Create new workflow” or modify an existing one by clicking on   Edit.

Node limitations (captures August 24) - 1-min.png

Once inside a workflow, insert a trigger or action node, click on  (Edit node settings) and go to the Limitations tab.


Condition-type nodes cannot be limited, as they function as filters.

Node limitations (captures August 24) - 2-min.png



The interface of the Limitations tab (where the configuration is done) is divided into two sections:

1. Limitations: to specify when the node will stop being triggered, based on each contact, the total number of triggers, the time until it is triggered again, and/or deactivation after the first trigger.

Node limitations (captures August 24) - 3-min.png


The options in the Limitations section vary depending on the type of node used.
- In trigger-type nodes, you can configure all possible limitations.
- In action-type nodes, you can only limit by contact or total number of triggers.

2. Limitations to Other Nodes: to limit the action of other nodes after being triggered.

Node limitations (captures August 24) - 4-min.png

Limitations can be visually identified in the nodes through specific icons:

  • Deactivate after trigger: the node is deactivated for a contact after being triggered for the first time.

If a node has this limitation active, it will take priority over other limitations.


It is important to note that this limitation behaves differently when applied to two consecutive trigger nodes (e.g., "On page visit" nodes):
— If the limitation is applied only to the second trigger node, the contact will move through the workflow and, when they re-enter the flow, they will go through it normally.
— If the limitation is applied to both trigger nodes, the contact will only go through the workflow the first time.
— If no limitation is applied, the contact will pass through the first trigger node once, and when they re-enter the flow, they will always start from the second trigger node.

  • Max triggers per Contact / Contact: the node is deactivated for a contact after being triggered a specified number of times.
  • Temporarily deactivate after event: the node is temporarily deactivated for a contact and will be triggered again after the specified time has passed.
  • Max total triggers / Total limit: the node is deactivated when it has been triggered a specified number of times across all contacts, regardless of whether it was triggered for the same contact or not.

Node limitations (captures August 24) - 3-min.png



Nodes operate based on executions, meaning that when a contact reaches the corresponding node, it executes (or, in other words, it is triggered).

All nodes, except for condition-type and system action-type nodes, can be limited to determine when you want them not to be executed. To configure them, simply complete the fields in the Limitations tab according to your preferences.

Once a node is deactivated due to the configured limitations, it will no longer execute according to the configuration, and the contact’s passage through the rest of the flow will be interrupted either temporarily or permanently.


All the possibilities outlined below can be combined to create limitations that 100% fit your strategy. For example: limiting the total number of triggers (to control the number of impressions of the content) and limiting the number of triggers for each contact (to avoid overwhelming the user).

In these cases where there are combinations of limitations, it is important to note that the most restrictive one will always take priority. Following the previous example: if a temporary limitation of 1 trigger per day and 3 triggers per contact is set, the content will only be shown once a day to each contact, and when it has been shown three times to the same contact, the node will be deactivated for them.


To remove a limitation, follow the indicated steps and complete the fields with “0”.


1. Limit the number of node triggers for the same contact

If you want to add a limitation to a trigger-type node, enter the maximum number of times you want the node to trigger for the same contact in the “Max triggers per Contact” field, and click  Apply.

Node limitations (captures August 24) - 5-min.png

If the node is an action type, check the box in the “Limit per Contact” field, enter the desired amount, and click  Apply.


In action-type nodes, the Configuration tab must be configured first for the  Apply button to appear.

Node limitations (captures August 24) - 6-min.png


This limitation is very useful for stopping content when the contact does not show interest in it. For example, if a contact has seen an offer 5 times and has not clicked on it, they are probably not interested.


2. Limit the total number of node triggers

In trigger-type nodes, enter the maximum number of times you want the node to trigger in total, regardless of whether it is triggered for the same contact or not, in the “Max total triggers” field, and click  Apply.

Node limitations (captures August 24) - 7-min.png

In action-type nodes, check the box in the “Total limit” field, enter the desired amount, and click  Apply.

Node limitations (captures August 24) - 8-min.png


Limiting the total number of triggers for a node is a good strategy for setting the number of impacts for a special offer. For example, when offering a discount for the first 1,000 visits, regardless of whether they are from the same contact.


3. Temporarily deactivate a node after being triggered for a contact


This limitation is only available for trigger-type nodes.

Enter the number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds you want the node to be paused after being triggered for the same contact in the “Temporarily deactivate after event” field, and click  Apply.

Node limitations (captures August 24) - 9-min.png


This limitation is perfect for not overwhelming users every time they visit the website. For example, showing a pop-up content to subscribe to the newsletter only once a day.


4. Permanently deactivate a node after being triggered for a contact


This limitation is only available for trigger-type nodes.

Check the box in the “Deactivate after trigger” field so that it says “Yes” and click  Apply.

Node limitations (captures August 24) - 10-min.png


Deactivating a node after the first trigger is often used, for example, to inform about a new feature on the website only once, as it does not need to be seen multiple times.


5. Deactivate a previous node after being triggered


External limitations affect previously used trigger-type nodes, preventing the same contact from moving through flows they can access multiple times , either temporarily or permanently.

In the Limitations to Other Nodes section, select the desired node in the first dropdown and the type of limitation in the second, which can be:

  • Deactivate: to deactivate the selected node at the same time that the node with the limitation is executed.
  • Deactivate for a time: to deactivate the selected node for a specified time. In this case, add the days, hours, and/or minutes you want to keep it inactive.

Finally, click + Add external limitation and  Apply.

Node limitations (captures August 24) - 11-min.png


This limitation is often used with the "On web content open" node to ensure that content has been displayed, as executing a node does not necessarily mean that the content has been seen by the contact. For example, using a pop-up configured to appear 5 seconds after the contact accesses the website ensures that the user has viewed the content. By adding an external limitation to the "On web content open" node that deactivates the "On page visit" node, you will ensure that it does not reappear in cases where they have opened the content, either temporarily or permanently.




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