Guide to Integrating with Magento 2


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If your ecommerce is built in Magento or WordPress, you can easily integrate it with Connectif and start collecting customer data to create your campaigns.

In this article, you’ll learn how to install and configure the Connectif module for Magento 2.

Implementation time: 15-20 min.
Difficulty: Advanced (requires technical knowledge).
When to use it: When you open your Connectif account.


STEP 1. Magento 2 module download

1. Access your Connectif account.

2. Go to Integrations on the left-hand menu.

3. In the ERPs and CRMssection, find Magento and click  Edit.


4. In the Configuration section, click  Download Magento 2 Module to download the file “” to your computer..



STEP 2. Copy the Connectif folder to the Magento installation

5. Copy the "Connectif" folder and all its contents into the "/app/code/" folder, located at the root of the Magento 2 installation.


If the folder "/app/code/" does not exist, you’ll need to create it.


For example, if the Magento 2 installation path is "/var/www/html" you should copy the "Connectif" folder to "/var/www/html/app/code/Connectif".


STEP 3. Module installation

6. Access the Magento 2 administration panel and go to the "System > Web Setup Wizard" section.


The SetUp wizard is removed starting from Magento version 2.4.0, so you will need to enable the integration using commands, which you can find in point 2b of the installation documentation attached to the "" file downloaded in step 2. Find more information in the Magento documentation.


7. In the Module Manager, find the Connectif_Integration module and select Activate.


8. Follow the steps for installing the Connectif module and click Next:

  • Readiness Check: This step performs checks related to the PHP version, crons, dependencies, and extensions.


  • Backup: in this step, a backup copy of the ecommerce site is made prior to the installation of the module. 


  • Enable module: in this step the activation of the module is performed. 



STEP 4. Module activation

9. Go to "Stores > Settings > Configuration" and locate the Connectif settings.


10. In Basic Configuration, select the Yes option in the Activate, field, to complete las opciones the Client ID and Secret Key options.


Don’t close this tab as you’ll need it to complete your account details.


11. Go to your Connectif account and, in the "Integrations > Magento" section, copy the Client ID and the Secret Key.


12. Go back to Magento 2 and paste them into the fields of the same names.


13. Click "Save Config" to save the changes.



Your Connectif integration with Magento is ready.


Once the plugin configuration is complete, we recommend checking that the integration is correct. You can see how to do it in this article.


Frequently asked questions

Do you have questions about the Connectif module in Magento? Here’s some useful information:

1. What is each section of the Connectif module in Magento for?

The Connectif module in Magento is made up of different sections, each of which fulfills a different function:

  • Basic Configuration (1): this section is used to configure the basic aspects of your Connectif account in Magento, as documented in this article, so you can get started with your strategy. 


  • Banners (2): this section is not in use, since the contents in banner format are configured directly from Connectif.

The content type "Modal Windows" and "Banners" have been out of use since 2021. This article explains how to migrate them to Connectif.


  • Public Urls (3): this section is used to look up the activation URLs of the ServiceWorker and the subscription notification URLs.

These URLs are generated and communicated to Connectif when the module is installed in Magento.  


  • Advanced Configuration (4): this section is used to establish certain behaviors of the integration with Connectif:
    • Print only mandatory fields on cart tags?: This option allows you to determine if the Connectif script will collect only the mandatory cart fields (product id, name, price and URL). This option helps improve the performance of the cart tag in Magento.
    • Use product variants on cart and purchases?: This option allows you to determine if, when Connectif receives the information about products in the cart, it will collect the default product or the specific variant.
    • Product imagen Id: This option allows you to determine the size of the image that Connectif will collect. 
    • Notify purchases offline: this option allows you to determine if the ecommerce will notify Connectif of offline purchases via API and without web context.  
    • Order Status: this option allows you to determine the status in which the purchases must be to register via API (offline notifications) in Connectif. 



2. How to activate the notification of offline purchases (via API)?


The notification of offline purchases means that they don’t have a web context, instead the notification is made asynchronously via API. If there is any strategy that reacts to a purchase with web content, it will not impact the contacts whose purchase is registered through the API.  

1. In your Magento account, go to "Stores > Configuration", click Connectif and Settings.


2. Deactivate the Connectif module from the "Basic Configuration > Activate", section, selecting the No option.


3. Click Save Config.


You need to save the configuration straight after this step in order to activate offline purchases.

4. Go to the "Advanced Configuration > Notify purchases offline", section, and select the Yes option.


5. In the "Order Status" section, choose the status that purchases registered offline in Connectif must have.


The selection of the status will depend on the payment method, the Magento configuration and the business model. It is only possible to choose one status.


6. Activate the Connectif module again from the "Basic Configuration > Activate", section, selecting the Yes option.


7. Click Save Config.


Keep learning!

To make the most of your Connectif account, we recommend reading these articles next:

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