
The Coupons feature allows you to use the different coupon codes that exist in your ecommerce and include them in your Connectif strategies, for automated distribution based on different objectives.


How to access it

You can access coupons via the "EcommerceCoupons".




The main coupon interface is composed of four blocks:

1. Creation and import history: to add new individual or bulk coupons or review import history.

2. Search: to search for coupons or sets of coupons.

3. Filtro: to filter individual or bulk coupons.

4. List of coupons: to view, edit and delete all coupons available in Connectif.



How it works

Through workflows, you can assign and automate the sending of individual and bulk coupons once created in Connectif.


Before creating the coupon set in Connectif, you must create the coupon code or coupon code listing in your CMS, in the coupon plugin you usually use, or in your system. 

1. Create coupons

Import your coupon lists by clicking   Create coupon set in the build block (1) to create a new list. There are two types of coupon sets: single coupons and multiple coupons.



1.1. Individual coupon creation


This set of coupons contains a multi-use coupon code. This type of coupon code is very useful when you’re sending welcome, subscription or reactivation emails.

Give your coupon set a recognizable name and under Type, select Individual coupon.



In our example, the individual coupon is called "Welcome popup".

Under “Code”, paste the coupon code created into your CMS or coupon plugin.



In our example, the individual coupon uses the code "WELCOME15".

Set the limit you have previously determined in your CMS or plugin to tell Connectif what the maximum uses of this coupon are.



In our example, the individual coupon has a maximum of 200 uses.

1.2. Creating multiple coupons.


This set of coupons uses a list of several single-use codes. This type of coupon code is very useful in workflows aimed at driving loyalty or reactivating contacts. 

Give your set of multiple coupons a recognizable name, select Type, Multiple coupons, and click    Import.



In our example, the coupon set is named "Multiple birthday".

Import the list of coupons generated into your CMS or coupon plugin. To do this, choose the CSV file you want to import or paste the coupon list and click Next   .



In our example, the coupon set is imported via a CSV file.

Select the imported field containing the coupon codes in the left-hand column and drag it to the Connectif Code field. Click Next .


Click Back to coupon set listing, where you'll find the new imported set in the coupon listing (4).



1.3. Importing coupons using APIs

In addition to the use of the Coupons feature, Connectif allows you to automate bulk imports of coupons using the Import API. 


Learn how to create coupon imports using APIs in this article..

2. Using coupons in workflows

In the Workflows editor, the Action node called "Assign coupon" is available. This allows you to assign your web content a variable with coupon codes.

In the workflow where you want to use the coupon set, select and drag the "Assign coupon" node to add it to the flow.



After an "Assign coupon" node, at some point in the flow you must add an action node that tells the contact the assigned code. In our example, the "Send web content" node will display a popup with the coupon.

In the node configuration, choose the set of coupons to use in your strategy and (optional) a child set.



Learn more about setting up the "Assign coupon" node in this article.

3. Review coupon set statistics

Review the use of coupons imported into Connectif via two methods.

Aggregate statistics

In the coupon list (4), it is possible to check, at a glance, the usage data of each set, such as the number of coupons assigned or sent, those that remain available, etc. To access detailed statistics for a set of coupons, click   (Statistics).



Coupon activity on the contact card

Go to the contact card and, in the Activity tab, filter by Assigned Coupon to check if a coupon has been assigned to a specific contact.




You’ve reached the end of the tutorial.


Do you have questions?
Don’t forget, our Connectif specialists are here to help you. To contact them, just open a Support ticket by clicking the blue “Help” button on your dashboard.


Keep learning!

To make the most of your Connectif account, we recommend reading these articles next:



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