"Split" node

The node “Split”, an action type, is used to create omnichannel campaigns that facilitate interaction with contacts through different channels. For this, different branches are used, and a probability is established for each one, thus distributing the flow and interacting with each contact through one channel or another randomly.


How to access?

In your workflows, drag the "Split" node from the right menu to the design area. You can access its configuration by clicking on  (Edit node configuration).

Nodo “Split” (captures July 24) - 1-min.png




To access its interface and configure the "Split" node, at least two branches must be connected to the node beforehand.

The main interface of the "Split" node is composed of two blocks:

  1. Operating mode selector: to switch between automatic or manual probability percentage selection.
  2. Probability percentage indicator: to check or modify, in manual mode, the probability that the contact will go through that branch.

Nodo “Split” (capturas Julio 24) - 2-min (1).png



Action type nodes are those that perform specific operations within the flows. The “Split” node divides the workflow flow based on a probability that a contact will be directed through one branch or another. This probability can be set automatically (default) or manually.


The percentage indicated in each branch is the probability that a user will flow through it. Therefore, it may not match the final traffic presented by each branch.

Some considerations to keep in mind:

    • To start a workflow with a “Split” node, it must have at least 2 branches and a maximum of 5 branches connected beforehand.
    • The "Split" node can be used multiple times in the same workflow.
    • If a contact passes through the “Split” node again, they will be assigned a branch to continue based on the established probabilities, independently of the path they followed in previous activations.
    • Branches from a "Split" node can converge at common subsequent nodes.
    • The configuration of the "Split" node offers the possibility to edit the node before and after starting the workflow.

Unlike the "Start A/B/X Test" node, the "Split" node does not determine a winning branch. Additionally, after activating the workflow, it allows you to modify its configuration and, in manual mode, reassign traffic allocation probabilities for each branch.


1. Choose automatic or manual probability

The “Split” node allows configuring the probability of each branch in two different ways:

  • Automatic: default option, which allows dividing probabilities proportionally based on the number of connected branches. When adding or removing a branch, the percentages are recalculated automatically. 
  • Manual: to assign percentages customized to the goals of your strategy.

The sum of the percentages in manual mode must always result in 100.

You can choose one type or the other in the operating mode selector (1), enabling or disabling the manual percentage configuration option.

Nodo “Split” (captures July 24) - 3-min.png


2. Modify probability of an active workflow 

Once the workflow is started, it is possible to change some aspects of the "Split" node configuration, although it does not allow adding new branches or deleting existing ones. 

From the operating mode selector (1) you can change the configuration from manual to automatic and vice versa. Additionally, in manual operating mode, you can edit the probability percentages of each branch.

If the workflow is edited once started, in the "Split" node statistics a information symbol ( ) will appear indicating that the percentages have been edited and that the statistics may be modified.



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