Organization Administrator


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The Organization Manager is the Connectif feature where you can edit the details of your Organization. On this screen you can add your organization's information, access the management of Stores and Members that belong to it.


How to access it

If you’re an Administrator of your Organization you can access its settings via the organization and store selector, by clicking on the (Organization Settings) button inside it.

Administrador de organización - 0-min.png



The main Organization interface is composed of two blocks:

1. Tab selector: to access Organization details, access Store management and/or Member management.

2. Main panel: to view the options and details of each tab.

Administrador de organización - 1-min.png

When you select the Organization details tab, a block is displayed inside the main panel (1):

1. Information: to add general information, change the logo or edit the address.

Administrador de organización - 2-min.png

When you select the Store management tab, a block is displayed inside the main panel (1):

1. Stores: to review information and manage the organization's stores, or add a new store if your organization has store credits available.

Administrador de organización - 3-min.png

When you select the Member management tab, a block is displayed inside the main panel (1):

1. Members: to manage the members of your organization and their roles, add new members if you wish.

Administrador de organización - 4-min.png


How it works

The Organization manager brings together the information about an organization within Connectif, as well as the stores and members belonging to it. From this panel, you can access and manage the elements of the Organization.


1. Add information about the Organization

In the tab selector (1) click Organization details and complete each of the fields. Once you have filled in the information, click Save to keep your organization's data.

Administrador de organización - 5-min.png


2. Add stores to your organization

In the tab selector (1) click Store management and then Create new store

Administrador de organización - 14-min.png

Fill in the details of the new store and click Save.

Administrador de organización - 15-min.png


3. Manage your organization's stores

In the tab selector (1) click Store management and then (Edit store) on the store you want to edit. 

Administrador de organización - 6-min.png

On the next screen, in the Store manager, you’ll be able to manage and configure the store.


Learn how the Store manager works in this article.

4. Add new members to your organization

In the tab selector (1) click on Member management and then Add new member

Administrador de organización - 7-min.png

In the pop-up window, enter the Email of the person you want to add to the organization and select their organization role:

  • Owner: this role, which is automatically assigned to the person who creates the organization, allows the user to view and edit the organization settings, add new members and manage existing ones. It also allows the creation of new stores if the organization has credits allocated for this purpose.

No other Administrator can change the role of the Owner but the Owner can transfer their role to another Administrator if needed.

  • Administrator: this role allows you to view the organization settings, including member management, but you cannot edit the owner's role.
  • Member: this role does not allow you to view or edit the organization options.

Administrador de organización - 8-min.png

You can also add that member to any of your Organization 's stores by checking the corresponding checkbox in the list and choosing the role they will have in each of them.


Learn how Store roles work in this article.

Administrador de organización - 9-min.png

Once you have assigned the roles and, optionally, the store, click OK.

Administrador de organización - 10-min.png


When a new member is created, an email will be sent with an acceptance button that the user will have to click to be added to your organization and stores. You can resend the invitation email or cancel it by clicking the buttons in the Actions column of the organization members table.

5. Manage the members of your organization

In the tab selector (1) click Member management and click the button (Manage relationship with stores) for the member you want to manage. 

Administrador de organización - 11-min.png

In the pop-up window, review the member's information and change their role from the drop-down in the Store role column.


Learn how Store roles work in this article.

Administrador de organización - 12-min.png

If you have permissions to do so, you can also remove the member from the Organization by clicking (Remove member from store). 

Administrador de organización - 13-min.png



You’ve reached the end of the tutorial.


Do you have questions?
Don’t forget, our Connectif specialists are here to help you. To contact them, just open a Support ticket by clicking the blue “Help” button on your dashboard.


Keep learning!

To make the most of your Connectif account, we recommend reading these articles next:

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