Integration with Zapier

Integrate your Connectif account with Zapier to explore all the automation possibilities with different applications related to your eCommerce, such as creating new contacts in Connectif based on new leads from Facebook, TikTok, LinkedIn, or Google Ads, and updating information for your existing contacts.

In this article, you will learn how to enable integration with Zapier from Connectif and how to create different zaps to create and update contacts automatically. These zaps are just examples of the endless possibilities that Zapier integration with Connectif offers.


Implementation Time: 15 min.
Difficulty: Easy.
When to Use:
To automate tasks with Zapier and update contact information in Connectif.


STEP 1: Creating the Connectif API Key for Zapier

1. Access Store Settings in the left sidebar menu.

2. In the tab selector, go to "API and IP Access > API Keys and click on   Create New API Key.

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3. Assign a name to identify it.

4. In the Contacts section, activate the permission Write.

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5. In the Contact Fields section, activate the permission Read.

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6. In the Store section, activate the permission Read.

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7. Click on Save.


STEP 2: Integrating Connectif with Zapier

8. Access your Zapier account and, in the left sidebar menu, click on Apps.

9. Click on Add Connection.

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10. Search and select Connectif.

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11. To authorize Zapier to access Connectif data, copy the API Key you created in Step 1 and paste it into the box. Once done, click the button to accept and proceed to Connectif.

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STEP 3: Creating the Zap to automate sending contacts to Connectif

Below are 3 examples of how to create different Zaps to automate sending contacts from any App connected with Zapier to Connectif.

This process is very similar for any other platform available in Connectif. Additionally, in the Zapier interface, there are several pre-established use cases to start them easily.


To create the Zaps, you must have the application you want to automate integrated with Zapier.

3.1. Creating the Zap to send leads from Google Ads to Connectif

12. In your Zapier account, click on "Create > Zaps" in the left sidebar menu.

13. In the Trigger, search for the platform you want to trigger the flow, in this case Google Ads

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14. In App & Event, choose New Lead Form Entry, to trigger the flow when a new contact is created in Google Ads. Click Continue.

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15. In Account, select the Google Ads account from which these leads will be obtained. Click Continue.

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16. In Trigger, configure the account and select the form that will trigger the flow, as shown in the image. Click Continue.

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17. In Test, you can review how Zapier retrieves those records. 

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18. In the next node, you will need to configure the action to be performed, in this case, sending the contacts to Connectif. To do this, select Connectif from the platform menu.

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19. In App & Event, choose Create or Modify a Contact. Click Continue.

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20. In Account, select the Connectif Store where contacts should be created or modified. Click Continue.

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21. In Action, associate the fields that will be transmitted from Google Ads to Connectif, to match the contact fields. You can also enter text to assign a specific value to a particular field.


If you are going to share custom fields, make sure they are created in your Store before integrating. Although it is not necessary to export all data, it is mandatory to send an Email field.


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22. (Optional). Choose the newsletter subscription status.

23. Once the fields are associated, click Continue.


Pro tip: Use custom fields to place contacts in segments of Connectif. For example, a field that is "Origin" and assign it the value Google Ads, to create a dynamic segment where all contacts with that value in the field enter.

24. In Test, check that the format in which the data will be shared with Connectif is correct. 

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25. Once reviewed, you can either perform a test or skip it to directly activate the integration by clicking on Publish.


It's advisable to perform a test and verify afterward that the contact has been created in Connectif.


3.2. Creating the Zap to send leads from LinkedIn Ads to Connectif

26. In your Zapier account, click on "Create > Zaps" in the left sidebar menu.

27. In the Trigger, section, search for the platform you want to activate the flow, in this case LinkedIn Ads

28. In App & Event, select New Lead Gen Form Response, so the flow is triggered when a new contact is created in LinkedIn Ads. Click Continue.

Integration with Zapier - 18-min.png

29. In Account, choose the LinkedIn Ads account from which these leads will be obtained. Click Continue.

30. In Trigger, set up the account and the form that will trigger the leads' flow in the dropdown menu Lead Form, as shown in the image. Click Continue.

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31. In Test, you can review how Zapier retrieves these records. You can click on Find new records to get new ones. 

Integration with Zapier - 20-min.png

32. In the next node, you'll need to configure the action to take, in this case, sending the contacts to Connectif. To do this, select Connectif from the platform menu.

33. In App & Event, choose Create or Modify a Contact. Click Continue.

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34. In Account, select the Connectif Store where the contacts should be created or modified. Click Continue.

35. In Action, associate the fields to be transmitted from LinkedIn Ads to Connectif, to match the contact fields. You can also write text to assign a specific value to a particular field.


If you're going to share custom fields, make sure they are created in your Store before integrating. Although it's not necessary to export all the data, it's mandatory to send an Email field. 


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36. (Optional). Choose the newsletter subscription status. Once the fields are associated, click Continue.

37. In Test, check that the format in which the data will be shared with Connectif is correct. 

38. Once reviewed, you can either perform a test or skip it to directly activate the integration, by clicking Publish.


3.3. Creating the Zap to send leads from Facebook Ads to Connectif

39. In your Zapier account, click on "Create > Zaps" in the left sidebar menu.

40. In the Trigger, section, search for the platform you want to activate the flow, in this case Facebook Ads

41. In App & Event, choose New Lead, so the flow is triggered when a new contact is created in Facebook Ads. Click Continue.

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42. In Account, select the Facebook Ads account from which these leads will be obtained. Click Continue.

43. In Trigger, configure the page and the form that will trigger the flow and click Continue. You can configure the Default option, as shown in the image, to collect leads from all forms on the page.

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44. In Test, you can review how Zapier retrieves these records. You can click on Find new records to get new ones. 

Integration with Zapier - 25-min.png

45. In the next node, you'll need to configure the action to take, in this case, sending the contacts to Connectif. To do this, select Connectif from the platform menu.

46. In App & Event, choose Create or Modify a Contact. Click Continue.

Integration with Zapier - 26-min.png

34. In Account, select the Connectif Store where the contacts should be created or modified. Click Continue.

35. In Action, associate the fields to be transmitted from Facebook Ads to Connectif, to match the contact fields. You can also write text to assign a specific value to a particular field.


If you're going to share custom fields, make sure they are created in your Store before integrating. Although it's not necessary to export all the data, it's mandatory to send an Email field. 


Integration with Zapier - 27-min.png

36. (Optional). Choose the newsletter subscription status. Once the fields are associated, click Continue.

37. In Test, check that the format in which the data will be shared with Connectif is correct. 

38. Once reviewed, you can either perform a test or skip it to directly activate the integration, by clicking Publish.


Your Connectif account integration with Zapier is ready.


Keep learning!

To harness the full potential of your Connectif account, we recommend continuing with the following articles:


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