Login event notification


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The "Login event notification" is used to indicate that the contact has logged in. It notifies you via JavaScript when a user accesses the website, by using connectif.managed.sendEvents.


This article is part of the guide to creating a custom integration.
If your integration is via a module, this tag will be added to your ecommerce platform automatically.


How to use it

The login event notification uses the entityInfo option in the sendEvents method to enrich the information about the sent events. It does not have any additional properties – sending the type of event is enough.


This event is an alternative to implementing the "Contact has logged in" tag in your store or website’s HTML.



The notification will look like this:

  {type: "login"},
  {type: "page-visit"}
], { entityInfo, cart });

In the example, the page visited event, is also reported, to report both events with a single call to Connectif tracking.



You’ve reached the end of the tutorial.


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Keep learning!

To make the most of your Connectif account, we recommend reading these articles next:

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