Guide to Integrating with Prestashop


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If your ecommerce platform is based on PrestaShop, you can sync it with your Connectif account in just a few minutes and start gathering data about your contacts’ interactions on the site.

In this article, you’ll learn how to integrate your Connectif account with PrestaShop.

Implementation time: 10 min.
Difficulty: Low.
When to use it: When you open your Connectif account.


STEP 1. Downloading the module

1. Log in to your Connectif account.

2. Go to Store Setings on the left-hand menu.

3. In the E-commerce platforms section, look for PrestaShop and click   Edit.

Integración con Prestashop - 1-min.png

4. In the Configuration section, click  Download zip to download the file “” to your computer.

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Don’t close this window! You’ll need it later when you extract the identifying data for your account.


STEP 2. Installing the module in your PrestaShop

5. Log in to your PrestaShop’s back office.

6. Go to “Modules > Modules and services”.

7. In the top right section, click  Upload a module.


8. In the pop-up, click Select file or drag it into the dotted rectangle. The assistant will start the installation automatically.


9. Once the module has been installed, click Configure.



You can also access the configuration later from “Modules > Modules and services” > Connectif” by clicking Configure.


STEP 3. Configuring the PrestaShop module

3.1. Basic configuration

(This section will show the identifying data of your account in order to sync it and start gathering data about your contacts’ interaction on the site in real time).

10. Go back to the Connectif tab you left open (“Integrations > PrestaShop” section) and copy the identifying data for your account (“Client identifier” and “Secret key”).

Integración con Prestashop - 3-min.png

11. Go back to the PrestaShop tab you left open (module configuration) and paste the copied data into “Client ID” and “Secret KEY”, respectively.

12. Check that YES is selected in the “Enabled” field.

13. Click   Save.



3.2. Banners


Banners are an unused function in Connectif. You can find more information on this topic here.


14. There’s no need to do anything in this section.


3.3. Public URLs

(In this section the URLs to subscribe to/unsubscribe from the newsletter are filled automatically, as well as that for the Service Worker for push notifications).

 15. There’s no need to do anything in this section.
You can check these URLs in your Connectif account:

— Newsletter subscriptions/unsubscriptions, in the integration page.

Integración con Prestashop - 4-min.png

Push notifications service worker, in the Store Settings, “Channels > Web Push Notifications”.

Integración con Prestashop - 5-min.png


3.4 Registration form fields

(This section shows the contact’s details gathered in PrestaShop that you want to sync with Connectif).

16. In the Contact fields section, the fields firstname, “lastname” and birthdayappear by default. If you want Connectif to sync any of the other options in this section or the Address fields section, select “Yes” in the desired fields.


To check the data selected in each contact’s profile, you’ll need to create a custom field in each of these in which the ID is the same as that shown in the list (for example, id_gender). This step must be taken with all optional fields active, except for “Newsletter”, which automatically captures subscriptions. You can find more information about this here.



3.5. Advanced parameters

(In this section you can configure advanced options for the integration).

17. For a basic integration, there’s no need to take any action in this step. If you want a more advanced configuration, activate or deactivate the options you want to sync with Connectif

General settings

  • Activate multi-language: gather contacts’ interaction data differentiated by language.
  • Include root category in the page category: indicate that the “Root” category should appear in product categories.
  • Check that the hook top does not render more than once: activate/deactivate calculation of percentage discount based on prices.
  • Enable debugging logs: activate/deactivate logs.


  • Order events: register all orders.

  • Sign-up events: register all sign-up events.

  • Log-in events: register all of the contact’s log-ins.

  • Newsletter subscription events: register newsletter subscriptions.

  • Cart status: register events relating to the cart status..

  • Search events: register search events in the ecommerce platform.

Product settings

  • Use long description: gather long description for products.
  • Use SKU as product identifier: use the SKU of your products in PrestaShop as the ID for products in Connectif.

  • Select product image size: indicate the type of product image that will be synced (we recommend selecting the same one as used in the PrestaShop product sheet).

  • Calculate the percentage discount based on prices: activate/deactivate the calculation that sets it automatically.
  • Include tax in discounts: include VAT in products with a discount..
  • Round prices: round product prices up or down in Connectif.
  • Max available days: The period in days, prior to its replenishment date, in which a product will be available for advance purchase.



STEP 4. Configuration in stores with various languages


You will only need to carry out this step if your PrestaShop features several languages and/or currencies.


For multilingual ecommerce sites, you’ll need to open an individual account for each language and currency. For more information, contact

To register differentiated data by language, in the previous point (17) the option “Activate multi-language” should be activated.

18. On the Basic configuration tab, click  .




19. In a new browser window, access the Connectif account of the corresponding language and copy the identifying data (“Client ID” and “Secret key”), as indicated in point 10.

20. Go back to PrestaShop and paste the identifying data (“Client ID” and “Secret key”).

21. Select the language and currency you want to sync with your Connectif account.

22. In the “Enabled” field, click YES.

23. Click   Save.




Your Connectif account is now integrated with your PrestaShop


To check that the integration has been completed correctly and that interaction data is being gathered, click here.



Find agile solutions to the most frequently-occurring incidents when creating a PrestaShop integration.

1. Order, contact and/or event data is not being registered.

  • In Advanced parameters, check that the following options are active:
      • Order events”, to register order data.
      • Registration events”, to copy contact data.
      • “Cart events”, to capture cart status.

If they’re deactivated, click Yes in the fields you need and Save to enable them.


  • Check that the Connectif module is anchored to the displayTop hook in “Design > Positions” in PrestaShop.


  • Make sure that your templated does not modify PrestaShop base pages (such as Checkout, for example) and execute the displayTop hook like this:
    {hook h='displayTop'}

You can check the official PrestaShop information by clicking here.

  • Configure your payment platform so that after each transaction, the contact is redirected automatically to the Payment confirmation page in the ecommerce platform.


2. Newsletter subscription statuses are not syncing.

  • Check that the autocompleted URLs in the integration Page of Prestashop, in your Connectif account correspond with the URLs of the module installed in your PrestaShop in “Configuration > public URLs

    Integración con Prestashop - 4-min.png

  • Check that the URLs exist by copying and pasting them into the address bar of your browser. If a 404 error message appears, you’ll need to correct this in the ecommerce platform itself.


Keep learning!

To make the most of your Connectif account, we recommend reading these articles next:

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