Workflow folders


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Workflow folders are a very useful resource for keeping your workflows organized. Learning how to manage them will help you group and locate already created workflows in just a few seconds.


How to Access?

You can access the workflow folders by clicking on “Workflows” in the left sidebar menu.

Folders in Workflows (captures August 24) - 1-min.png



Workflow folders can be displayed in two ways:

  1. Collapsed: to have a better view of the workflow list.
  2. Expanded: to view the existing folders.

In this mode, you can expand folders that, in turn, contain other folders within them.

Folders in Workflows (captures August 24) - 2-min.png



All created workflows are automatically stored in the “Default Folder”. To organize them using your own folders, you have a very simple drag and drop system.


Workflows that are saved in a new folder will disappear from the “Default Folder”.

You can view all your unorganized workflows by clicking on View all workflows.

1. Create a New Folder

With the folders interface expanded, click on  (Create Folder), type the desired name, and press Enter.

To create a folder within an existing one, click on the desired folder and then click on  (Create Folder).


In your Connectif account, you can have up to 300 active folders.


We recommend two very useful ways to organize your workflows:

By campaign and/or year.
For example: “Campaigns 2022” and within it, “January 2022 Sales”, “Back to School 2022”, etc.

By section, goal, or target audience.
For example: “Newsletters” and within it, “Newsletters B2B”, “Newsletters B2C”, etc.

Folders in Workflows (captures August 24) - 3-min.png


2. Store One or More Workflows in a Folder

Hover your mouse over the top area of the workflow you want to store until you see a shaded bar. When it appears, click and drag it to the desired folder.

To store multiple workflows at once in the same folder, you must first select the chosen workflows. To do this, you have two options:

  • Check the selection boxes in the upper gray area of each workflow.
  • Select all workflows on the same page by clicking  (Select All) from the action menu located in the top right corner.

Once selected, drag from the shaded area of one of the workflows to the chosen folder.


If you position yourself within the “Default Folder” to make these moves, the existing folders will also appear above the workflow list.


We recommend duplicating your workflows once they are stored in a folder to easily replicate your campaigns.

Folders in Workflows (captures August 24) - 4-min.png


3. Rename a Folder

Rename an existing folder by hovering over the desired folder and clicking   (Rename). Once the desired name is typed, press Enter.

Folders in Workflows (captures August 24) - 5-min.png


4. Organize Folders

Save a folder inside another by clicking on the desired folder and dragging it over the one you want to save it in.

To remove a folder contained within another, click on it and drag it to the blank space below to move it to the first level.


You can store folders within others up to 3 levels.

Folders in Workflows (captures August 24) - 6-min.png


5. Delete a Folder

Hover your mouse over the folder you want to delete, click  (Delete), and to confirm that you agree with the deletion, click on the  Delete button in the pop-up window.


Deleting a folder does not delete the workflows contained within it, but they are moved to the “Default Folder”.


Deleting a folder is an irreversible action, so we recommend not deleting it until you are completely sure.

Folders in Workflows (captures August 24) - 7-min.png



You've reached the end of the lesson.


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Remember that our Connectif specialists are available to you. To contact them, simply open a support ticket by clicking the blue "Help" button on your dashboard.


Keep learning!

To make the most of your Connectif account, we recommend continuing with the following articles:

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