Automated coupons


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Incentivize your customers to make a purchase by offering them different types of coupon, depending on whether or not they meet several prerequisites. As a result, you’ll encourage new contacts to make their first purchase, current customers to make a repeat purchase, and boost your eCommerce revenues. 

In this article, you'll learn how to create a smart coupon workflow.


Objective: Conversion.
Difficulty: Intermediate.
When to use it: When you want to implement a coupon strategy.


This strategy is part of our pool of templates. To implement it in your account, access your Connectif account and go to “Workflows Create new workflow”. In the Create from template section, enter the name of the workflow in the search engine (Automated coupons) then click Select and Create.


How it works

To interact with contacts who visit a product, this strategy shows a popup with a coupon if the contact has not yet made a purchase, and if they have already made a purchase and belong to a lower segment of the RFM model, it shows them the popup with a different coupon. 

In addition, it makes it easier to send the coupon by email if you have the address and if indicated by the contact in the popup. If the email is not available, it shows a subscription popup so that the contact can receive the coupon by email. 



Workflow configuration


Before configuring your workflow, create the following elements:
— A custom contact field, to store the assigned coupon.
— Three popups, two to show the coupon depending on the type of contact and another to request the email address.
— Two coupons, one to send to non-purchasers and the other to purchasers who belong to a low RFM segment.
— An email, to send the coupon if indicated by the contact.

STEP 1. "Start" node

(In this node, you’ll set the target audience for the action).

1. Click (Edit node settings) for the “Start” node.

2. Under Select limitation, check "All my list".

3. Under Select data source, check “All existing and new”.

4. Click Update.



STEP 2. “On product visit" node

(This node will detect contacts who visit a product).

5. Click  (Edit node settings) in the "On product visit" node.

6. Click Limitations and uncheck the "Deactivate after triggering" box.

7. Click Update.



STEP 3. “Fetch products” node

(This node will fetch the last visited products from the same category as the product visited).

8. Click (Edit node settings) in the “Fetch products” node.

9. To select use cases, drag "Last visited products”. Click Next .

10. In Main use case settings, select "3" in the Number of products to fetch.

11. Click Add another condition and select “Categories” from the dropdown. On the operator, choose "Some are included in”. On the right, select "Imported data" and, after clicking "Select imported data", choose the custom field created, for this example "On product visit Categories".

12. In the lower drop-down select "In the last time interval" and add "15" Minutes. Click Next.

13. In Summary, locate the Number of products to fetch and choose “3”. Uncheck the box "Fill with products until selected limit".

14. Click Complete .



STEP 4. First “Check value” node

(This node will identify if the size of the product list of the previous node is equal to 3).

15. Click (Edit node settings) of the “Check value” node.

16. Drag the "List size" field from "Fetch products" to the block on the left.

17. Under Operator, select "Is equal to".

18. Drag the "Literal" field to the block on the right and set a value of "3".

19. Click Update.



STEP 5. "Has purchased" node

(This node will identify if the contact has made a purchase during the waiting period).

20. At the junction of this node with the previous one, click on the circle until "Yes" appears.

21. Click (Edit node settings) for the “Has purchased” node.

22. Under Number of purchases made, select "Is greater than" and set "0" purchases.

23. Click Update.



STEP 6. Second “Check value” node

(This node will identify if the contact belongs to an RFM segment considered low).

24. At the junction of this node with the previous one, click on the circle until "Yes" appears.

25. Click (Edit node settings) of the “Check value” node.

26. Drag the "RFM-segment" field from "Contact" to the block on the left.

27. Under Operator, select "Is any of”.

28. Drag the "Literal" field to the block on the right and select "At Risk “," Can’t lose them “," Hibernating "and" Lost”. 

29. Click Update.



STEP 7. First “Assign coupon” node

(This node will obtain the coupon that will be shown to contacts who have purchased and belong to one of the RFM segments checked in the previous node).

30. At the junction of this node with the previous one, click on the circle until "Yes" appears.

31. Click (Edit node settings) in the “Assign coupon” node.

32. Select the set of coupons created for this contact group.

33. Click Complete .



STEP 8. First “Send web content: popup” node

(A popup with the corresponding coupon will be sent by this node).

34. Click (Edit node settings) in the “Send web content” node.

35. Select the corresponding Popup content and click Next .

36. In this case, under Specify when to show content, select "Immediately”.

37. In the Variables step, link any variables there may be.

38. Click Complete .



STEP 9. “Set field” node

(In this node, the coupon obtained will be saved in the “Assign coupon” nodes).

39. Click (Edit node settings) for the “Set field” node.

40. Drag the “Coupon code” field from the “Assign coupon nodes” to the block on the left of the custom field previously created to save the coupon.

41. Under Operator, select "Assign".

42. Click Update.



STEP 10. Second “Assign coupon” node

(This node will fetch the coupon that will be shown to contacts who have not made any purchases yet).

43. At the junction of this node with the previous one, click on the circle until "No" appears.

44. Click (Edit node settings) in the “Assign coupon” node.

45. Select the set of coupons created for this contact group.

46. Click Complete .



STEP 11. Second “Send web content: popup” node

(A popup with the corresponding coupon will be sent by this node).

47. Click (Edit node settings) in the “Send web content” node.

48. Select the corresponding Popup content and click Next .

49. In this case, under Specify when to show content, select "Immediately”.

50. In the Variables step, link any variables there may be.

51. Click Complete .



STEP 12. “On link click” node

(This node will detect the contact's click on the popup with the first coupon).

52. Click (Edit node settings) in the “On link click” node.

53. In Select the type of filter, choose "When clicking on a specific link in content" and select the corresponding Popup content to which it should react. Below, determine the link of the content you want it to react to.

54. Click Update.



STEP 13. Second “On link click” node

(This node will detect the contact's click in the popup with the second coupon).

55. Click (Edit node settings) in the “On link click” node.

56. In Select the type of filter, choose "When clicking on a specific link in content" and select the corresponding Popup content to which it should react. Below, determine the link of the content you want it to react to.

57. Click Update.



STEP 14. Third “Check value” node

(This node will identify if the contact has an email address).

58. Click (Edit node settings) of the “Check value” node.

59. Drag the "Unknown email" field from "Contact" to the block on the left.

60. Under Operator, select "Is equal to".

61. Drag the "Literal" field to the block on the right and activate the "Yes” box.

62. Click Update.



STEP 15. Third “Send web content: popup” node

(This node will send a popup with a form to obtain the email address).

63. At the junction of this node with the previous one, click on the circle until "Yes" appears.

64. Click (Edit node settings) in the “Send web content” node.

65. Select the corresponding Popup content and click Next .

66. In this case, under Specify when to show content, select "Immediately”.

67. In the Variables step, link any variables there may be.

68. Click Complete .



STEP 16. “On form submission” node

(This node will detect the moment when the previous form is sent).

69. Click (Edit node settings) in the “On form submission” node.

70. Click on "A specific form".

71. Next, select the form that should be reacted to. In this case, the form displayed in the popup.

72. Click Limitations and uncheck the "Deactivate after triggering" box.

73. Click Update.



STEP 17. “Send email” node

(In this node, the email with the corresponding coupon will be sent to each contact).

74. At the junction of this node with the “Check value” node, click on the circle until "No" appears.

75. Click (Edit node settings) in the “Send email” node.

76. Under Limitations, uncheck the "Limit per contact" box.

77. In Settings, select the email you want to send and click Next .

78. In the Send to section, select "Contact".

79. Indicate the "Newsletter" type of email.

80. Configure the parameters section of "Send to contact".

81. Under Google Analytics, click "Enable Google Analytics" then Next .

82. In the Variables step, link any variables there may be.

83. Click Complete .





Your workflow for implementing a coupon strategy is now ready.


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