Deleting purchases


Este artigo está atualmente disponível em inglês e espanhol. Você pode usar esta documentação enquanto ela não estiver disponível em seu idioma.

Purchase deletion is the process by which the activity associated with a purchase is deleted via the Connectif API from the Connectif database. This process means that the purchase ceases to affect the Store for all purposes, in addition to disappearing from the analytics.


1. Properties

1.1. What is included in purchase deletion

  • Deleting a purchase will remove a purchase from the Connectif database, as well as the activity associated with it.
  • This process recalculates the purchase data associated with the contact's purchases:

Borrado de compras - 02-min.png

  • It also recalculates the aggregated product data that is used in the "Fetch products" node to obtain the best-selling products. 

Borrado de compras - 01-min.png

  • Purchase deletion recalculates the data associated with the CLV and, if bulk purchases are deleted, may result in the Store not reaching the minimum number of purchases to generate the CLV template:

Borrado de compras - 3-min.png

  • Purchase deletion may also affect the Store RFM. 
  • When a purchase is deleted, it also disappears from all Store analytics.

For example, if you have a Dynamic Plus Segment that contacts enter when they have made more than one purchase, the contacts affected by the purchase deletion would leave the segment.

1.2. What is NOT included in purchase deletion

  • Purchase deletion does not delete the contact who made the purchase.
  • Purchase deletion does not reverse the contact's activity in a Workflow.

If, as a result of making a purchase, a contact enters or continues through a Workflow by being added to a static segment, sent an email, shown content or sent a custom event, deleting a purchase does not reverse or undo that process.

  • This process does not remove the product from the catalog.
  • The cart that was created and marked as "Purchased" will remain with that status, i.e. the status is not changed and an abandoned cart is not generated.

This means that, if the last cart purchased is recovered in a workflow, that cart will be fetched even if the purchase has been deleted.

  • The products related to the deleted purchase will also not be recalculated. If a product is purchased together with another product and the purchase is deleted, the "Automatically related" algorithm will not make any changes.


2. How it’s used in Connectif

Purchases are deleted via the Connectif API one by one, i.e. if you want to delete 1,000 purchases, you must make 1,000 requests to the API.

2.1. Deletion of purchases by Store ID

1. Access the Connectif API documentation.

2. In the left-hand menu, go to "Purchases > Delete purchase by purchase store identifier"


Access the documentation directly via this link.

3. Create the Connectif API call with the parameters contained in this section.


2.2. Deletion of purchases by Connectif ID

1. Access the Connectif API documentation.

2. In the left-hand menu, go to "Purchases > Delete purchase by ID"


Access the documentation directly via this link.

3. Create the Connectif API call with the parameters contained in this section.



You’ve reached the end of the tutorial.


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To make the most of your Connectif account, we recommend reading these articles next:

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