Machine translation


Este artigo está atualmente disponível em inglês e espanhol. Você pode usar esta documentação enquanto ela não estiver disponível em seu idioma.

Machine translation allows you to instantly translate your content with the use of AI. Using the DeepL platform, this feature allows you to translate the texts included in your different types of content (email, web content, push notifications and SMS) with just a couple of clicks.


1. Properties

  • The machine translation feature is available in all content created in Connectif – namely email, all web content, push notifications and SMS created in their respective publishers.
  • Each Store has 30 translation credits available each month, which means that 30 items can be translated in that period. 
  • If there are multiple Stores within an Organization, each store will have 30 machine translation credits.

If you use up the 30 translation credits available in your Store and need to increase your balance, contact the Support team at Connectif.

  • Machine translation uses the DeepL platform to get translations. It is one of the most accurate Artificial Intelligence-based translation services. However, it is advisable to review each translation before saving and sending the content.
  • This feature allows you to instantly translate the texts contained in these content types, both in text blocks and HTML.
  • Machine translation does not include:
    • The images contained in the content.
    • Variables and default values that are assigned to those variables. 


2. How to use it in Connectif

Translation of content

1. Go to the content you want to translate and click More and then Edit.


We recommend that you create a copy of the content you want to translate first. Otherwise, the language of the original will be changed, i.e. a translated version will not be created. 

Traducción automática - 1-min.png

2. Click the translation button (Translate).

Traducción automática - 2-min.png

3. Click the language selection dropdown and choose the language into which you want to translate the content.

Traducción automática - 3-min.png

4. Click Confirm.

Traducción automática - 4-min.png

5. Review your content and click Save. 

Traducción automática - 5-min.png



You’ve reached the end of the tutorial.


Do you have questions?
Don’t forget, our Connectif specialists are here to help you. To contact them, just open a Support ticket by clicking the blue “Help” button on your dashboard.


Keep learning!

To make the most of your Connectif account, we recommend reading these articles next:


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