High discounts

Identify products that belong to the group with a markdown of more than 40%. 

In this article, you’ll learn how to segment products with large discounts.


Remember that you can create your product segment in "Ecommerce Product segments", by clicking on Create new segment.



In this segment we will group products that have a discount of more than 40%.

Descuentos altos-min.png


Configuring the product segment

STEP 1. Products included

FILTER 1. Products discounted more than 40%

1. Click on the dropdown and select "Percentage discount” when it opens.

2. In the second dropdown, select "Is greater than", and indicate a value of "40".

3. Click "Save".

Descuentos altos filtro 1-min.png



Your High Discounts segmentation is now ready.


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Keep learning!

To make the most of your Connectif account, we recommend reading these articles next:

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