Identifying and merging anonymous and identified contacts


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The identification and merging of anonymous and identified contacts determines how users are recognized through their digital footprint in Connectif. It allows you to connect a contact’s activity on different devices and browsers in the same profile.


1. Properties

Connectif collects the contact's activity information and the data they share, using tags that are generated as the contact browses your ecommerce site.


1.1. Contact identification

Connectif uses three keys to recognize users, only one of which is necessary to identify each contact.

  • "trackerId": unique identifier that Connectif assigns to each contact.
  • "email": corresponds to the contact's email address.
  • "suscription": identifier of the browser's subscription to web push notifications for a particular device.


1.2. Attribution of an event to a contact


Both the "trackerId" and the "email" can be collected in some of the Tag integration, while the "suscription" is collected only in the “Contact information” tag.

The "Customer has registered" AND “Contact has logged in" tags collect the contact's "email" KEY.

The following algorithm determines which contact is performing the action:

1. If the “Contact information” tag does not contain "trackerId","email", nor "suscription" it is understood to be a new anonymous contact.


2. If the “Contact information” tag ontains a valid "email" válido, it will be used to identify the contact with that email address.

If there is no contact with that email address in Connectif, the identification is made according to the following scenarios:

  • 2.1 If this “Contact information” tag contains a "trackerId" that does not belong to any contact, it is understood to be a new identified contact with this "email

  • 2.2. If this “Contact information” tag contains a "trackerId" that belonged to an anonymous contact, the "email", and the rest of the optional fields that the tag may contain, such as "_name" or "_surname", will be assigned to that contact.

    It is understood to be an existing identified contact.

  • 2.3. If this “Contact information” tag contains a "trackerId" that belonged to an identified contact whose email is different from this tag’s "email" field, it is understood as a new identified contact and different from the contact identified by the "trackerId".

    A new identified contact will be created with that "email" and the rest of the optional fields that the tag may contain, such as "_name" or "_surname".

    The identified contact to which the "trackerId" collected by the tag belonged is not altered.


3. As a special scenario under the previous point, if the “Contact information” tag contains a valid "email" (and there is a contact with that email) and, in addition, this tag has the field "trackerId" que that corresponds to the tracker of another different anonymous contact, then the process of Contact merging will take place.

The current contact is determined to be the identified contact identified by the "email".

If the "trackerId" does not belong to an anonymous contact but to an identified one, Contact merging will not be performed. The current contact will also be understood to be the existing identified contact identified by the "email".


4. If the “Contact information” tag does not contain a valid "email" but does contain a "suscription", it will be used to identify the contact.

The identification is made according to the following scenarios:

  • 4.1. If this “Contact information” tag does not contain a "trackerId", a check is made to see if there is a contact with the same "suscription".

    If so, it is identified as such, otherwise it is understood to be a new anonymous contact.

  • 4.2. If this “Contact information” tag contains a "trackerId" that belongs to an anonymous contact, a check is made to see if there is any contact with the same "suscription".

    If yes, the Contact merging process is performed and the current contact is understood to be the pre-existing contact.

    Otherwise, it is understood to be a new anonymous contact.

  • 4.3. If this “Contact information” tag contains a "trackerId" and it belongs to an identified contact, the identification is performed according to the following scenarios:

    • 4.3.1. If there is no other contact with the same "suscription" it is determined to be a nnew anonymous contact.

    • 4.3.2. If there is another contact with the same "suscription" and it is an anonymous contact, the Contact merging process is performed and the current contact is identified as the one whose "trackerId" is known.

    • 4.3.3. If there is another contact that is also an identified contact, the "suscription" is duplicated in each of them and it is determined that it is a new identified contact and different from the contact identified by the "trackerId".

      The identified contact to which the "suscription" collected by the label belonged is not altered.

5. If the “Contact information” tag does not contain a valid "email" or "suscription", but does contain a "trackerId" it will be used to identify the contact that has this tracker.

If no contact exists with that tracker in Connectif, it is understood to be a new anonymous contact.


1.3 Contact merging

The contact merging process consists of assigning the properties and workflows of a contact A to a contact B, and the subsequent and immediate deletion of contact A.


Some recurring examples where contact merging occurs include

— When a registered user visits the website without logging in and subsequently accesses his or her account. In this case, the anonymous contact is merged with the registered contact and the interaction data of the former is saved in the latter.
— When a registered user visits the website from the browser and then accesses it again from their cellphone. Once logged in with the cellphone, both contacts are merged to identify that they are the same user.

There are some nuances to take into account in this process

  • The properties of contact B that already have a value will not be overwritten by those of contact A.
  • If contacts A and B have any active workflows in common that generate data, the information from both contacts will be taken into account, giving priority to the data from contact B and the data generated by the most recent execution of the nodes.

Additionally, this process impacts the segments:

  • Static:
    • If the identified contact is in a Static Segment, the anonymous contact will disappear from it, but the identified contact will re-enter.
    • If the identified contact is not in a Static Segment, the anonymous contact will disappear from it and the identified contact will not enter.
  • Dynamic and Dynamic Plus:
    • If the identified contact meets the conditions to enter a Dynamic Segment, the anonymous contact will disappear but the identified contact will re-enter.
    • If the identified contact does not meet the conditions to enter a Dynamic Segment, the anonymous contact will disappear and the identified contact will not enter.



You’ve reached the end of the tutorial.


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