Product segments


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A product segment is a set of eCommerce items that Connectif automatically generates based on the conditions specified by the user. Its use allows real-time grouping of products for use in different strategies.


1. Properties

  • Product segments are created based on one or more characteristics that need to be considered. The item must meet all conditions to be included. For example: brand, price above a certain amount, name, etc.

Remember that the product must meet all conditions to be included in the segment.

  • Connectif continuously and in real time evaluates the product catalog for inclusion in the segment.
    • If an item meets all established conditions, it will become part of the segment.
    • If an item no longer meets any of the established conditions, it will no longer be part of the segment.

Product segments work similarly to dynamic segments, automatically grouping all items that meet the conditions set in their configuration without requiring additional workflows.

  • Product segments are always active and updated, allowing prolonged strategies to remain consistent and effective.


2. How to use it in Connectif

2.1. Creating a product segment

  1. Go to "Ecommerce > Product Segments" and click  Create new segment.
  2. In Name, assign a title to your segment for identification.
  3. (Optional) In Description, add additional information about your group of products.
  4. In the shaded area below, set the desired conditions for Connectif to identify the products that should (or should not) belong to the group. You can add as many filters as needed, remembering that the product must meet all conditions to be part of the segment.
  5. Click  Save.



In this example, a segment is created with products that have a unit price of more than 100 euros.

Editing an existing product segment

  1. In "Ecommerce > Product Segments", locate the segment you want to modify and click Edit.
  2. Make the necessary changes.
  3. Click  Save.


2.2. Viewing items and uses of an existing segment

    1. In "Ecommerce > Product Segments", locate the segment you want to view and click More.
  1. Depending on your goal, click:
    • View products, to see the items that are part of the segment.
    • View uses, to review the workflows where the segment is being used.


2.3. Deleting a product segment

    1. In "Ecommerce > Product Segments", locate the segment you want to delete, click More, and then Delete.

This option will delete the product segment but not the items in the Connectif catalog.


2. (Optional). To delete the products in the segment along with it, check the appropriate box.


Before deleting the products in a segment, we recommend reviewing the documentation on product deletion.


3. (Optional). In the box, write the name of the segment and click Delete segment and products.





You have reached the end of the lesson.


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Keep learning!

To take full advantage of your Connectif account, we recommend continuing with the following articles:

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