Cart recovery before abandonment for anonymous contacts

There are strategies we can use to recover abandoned carts even if we don't have the contact’s email address to send them a follow-up email, i.e. when the contact is anonymous. To reduce your abandoned cart rate and increase sales, you can detect when this type of user is about to leave the website with one or more products in their cart and show them a popup to try keep them engaged.

In this article you’ll learn how to create a popup before the user abandons a cart.


Objective: Conversion.
Difficulty: Beginner.
When to use it: Anytime. 


This strategy is part of our pool of templates. To implement it in your account, log in to your Connectif account and go to "Workflows Create new workflow". In the Create from template section, enter the name of the workflow (Cart recovery before abandonment for anonymous contacts) in the search engine then click Select and Create.


How it works

For this strategy, we will configure a workflow with popup content that encourages the contact to complete their purchase. This will appear on any page when a contact is about to leave the website on desktop, or after a period of time without purchasing on mobile.

Recuperación del carrito antes del abandono para contactos anónimos-min.png


Workflow configuration


Before configuring your workflow, create the following elements:
— Two popups, to display the cart message.

STEP 1. “Start” node

(This node will set the target audience for the action).

1. Click (Edit node settings) for the “Start” node.

2. Under Select limitation, check "All my list" and select "Contacts without email".

3. Under Select data source, check “All existing and new”.

4. Click Update.

Recuperación del carrito antes del abandono para contactos anónimos inicio-min.png


STEP 2. “On page visit” node

(This node will detect contacts who visit any page).

5. Click (Edit node settings) in the “On page visit” node.

6. Under Limitations, uncheck the "Deactivate after triggering" box.

7. Click Update.

Recuperación del carrito antes del abandono para contactos anónimos al visitar página-min.png


If you want to learn more about node limitations, click here.


STEP 3. “Fetch last cart” node

(This node will fetch the contact's last active cart).

8. Click (Edit node settings) in the “Fetch last cart” node.

9. In Select cart status, choose the “Active” option from the dropdown.

10. Click Update.

Recuperación del carrito antes del abandono para contactos anónimos obtener último carrito-min.png


STEP 4. First “Check value” node

(This node checks if the size of the returned list of recommended products is greater than 0).

11. Click (Edit node settings) of the “Check value” node.

12. Drag the "Total Price" field from "Fetch last cart" to the block on the left.

13. Then under "Operator", select "Is equal to".

14. Drag the “Literal” field to the block on the right and set a value of "0".

15. Click Update.

Recuperación del carrito antes del abandono para contactos anónimos primer comprobar valor-min.png


If you want to learn more about the "Check value" node, click here.


STEP 5. Second “Check value” node

(This node will identify if the contact has accessed the web on a mobile device).

16. At the junction of this node with the previous one, click on the circle until "Yes" appears.

17. Click (Edit node settings) of the “Check value” node.

18. Drag the "Is mobile" field from "On page visit" to the left block.

18. Under Operator, select "Is equal to".

20. Drag the "Literal" field to the block on the right and activate the "Yes” box.

21. Click Update.

Recuperación del carrito antes del abandono para contactos anónimos segundo comprobar valor-min.png


STEP 6. First “Send web content: popup” node

(This node will send a popup in its mobile version, warning that the contact has not yet completed the purchase of their cart).

22. At the junction of this node with the previous one, click on the circle until "Yes" appears.

23. Click (Edit node settings) in the “Send web content” node.

24. Select the corresponding Popup content and click Next .

25. In Configuration, locate the field Indicate when to show content, select "After a few seconds of inactivity" and set a value of "15". Click Next  .

26. In the Variables step, link any variables there may be.

27. Click Complete .

Recuperación del carrito antes del abandono para contactos anónimos primer enviar contenido web-min.png


If you want to learn more about Popup web content, click here.


STEP 7. “On opening of web content” node

(This node will limit the "On page visit" node so that it doesn’t react to each visit for one day).

28. Click (Edit node settings) in the “On opening of web content” node.

29. Click "One specific content" and select the Popup content shown in the previous node.

30. For Limitations, in the section Add external limitation, choose "On page visit" from the drop-down menu and, in the next one, "Deactivate for a period". Next, indicate "1" Day.

31. Click Update.

Recuperación del carrito antes del abandono para contactos anónimos primer al abrir contenido web-min.png


STEP 8. Second “Send web content: popup” node

(This node will send a popup on desktop, warning that the contact has not yet completed the purchase of their cart.)

32. At the junction of this node with the previous one, click on the circle until "No" appears.

33. Click (Edit node settings) in the “Send web content” node.

34. Select the corresponding Popup content and click Next .

35. Under Settings, locate the Indicate when to display content field, select “When leaving the page” and click Next .

36. In the Variables step, link any variables there may be.

37. Click Complete .

Recuperación del carrito antes del abandono para contactos anónimos segundo enviar contenido web-min.png


STEP 9. Second "On opening of web content" node

(In this node, the on page visit node will be limited so that it doesn’t react to each visit for one day).

38. Click (Edit node settings) in the “On opening of web content” node.

39. Click "One specific content" and select the Popup content shown in the previous node.

40. For Limitations, in the section Add external limitation, choose "On page visit" from the drop-down menu and, in the next one, "Deactivate for a period". Next, indicate "1" Day.

41. Click Update.

Recuperación del carrito antes del abandono para contactos anónimos segundo al abrir contenido web-min.png




Your workflow to establish a popup before the user abandons their cart is ready.


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Keep learning!

To make the most of your Connectif account, we recommend reading these articles next:

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