ABX test to optimize the email subject

ABX tests are a very powerful and easy-to-use resource for identifying the best-performing strategy for your eCommerce, by testing several possible options on a sample of real contacts.

In this article you’ll learn how to create an ABX test to optimize email subjects.


Objective: Loyalty.
Difficulty: Intermediate.
When to use it: When you want to compare two or more email subjects.


This strategy is part of our pool of templates. To implement it in your account, log in to your Connectif account and go to "Workflows Create new workflow". In the Create from template section, enter the name of the workflow in the search engine (ABX test to optimize email subjects), then click Select and Create.


Video explanation


How it works

To perform the test for email subject optimization, we’ll create an ABX test in a workflow that compares the opening of multiple emails with different subjects. Once the test has been carried out on 1,000 contacts, the most successful branch will continue to be used.

Test ABX para optimizar el asunto del email-min (1).png


Workflow configuration


Before configuring your workflow, create the following elements:
— An email, to be sent in the test.

STEP 1. "Start" node

(This node will set the target audience for the action).

1. Click (Edit node settings) for the “Start” node.

2. Under Select limitation, check "All my list" and select "Contacts with email".

3. Under Select data source, check “All existing and new”.

4. Click Update.

Test ABX para optimizar el asunto del email inicio-min.png


STEP 2. “Start A/B/X test” node

(This node will start the A/B/X test).

10. Click (Edit node settings) for the “Start A/B/X” node.

11. In Sampling phase, set the Maximum limit of contacts to sample. In this case, "1000”.

12. Click Update.

Test ABX para optimizar el asunto del email iniciar test-min.png


If you want to learn more about the “Start A/B/X Test” node, click here.


STEP 3. “Send email” node

(This node will send the email with the corresponding email to each branch).

13. At the junction of this node with the previous node, click the circle until the letter corresponding to each branch appears.

14. Click (Edit node settings) in the “Send email” node.

15. Select the email you want to send and click Next .

16. In the Send to section, select "Contact".

17. Indicate the "Newsletter" type of email.

18. Configure the parameters of "Send to contact" section.

19. Under Google Analytics, click "Enable Google Analytics" then Next .

20. Click Complete .

Test ABX para optimizar el asunto del email enviar email-min.png


STEP 4. “On opening email” node

(This node will detect the first time the email sent is opened).

21. Click (Edit node settings) in the “On email open” node.

22. Select the email it needs to react to.

23. Click Update.

Test ABX para optimizar el asunto del email al abrir email-min.png


STEP 5. “Evaluate A/B/X branch” node

(This node will award a point to the branch if the email open is detected).

24. Click (Edit node settings) in the “Evaluate A/B/X” node.

25. Select "Literal value" and type "1".

26. Click Update.

Test ABX para optimizar el asunto del email evaluar rama-min.png





Your workflow to optimize the email subject using an ABX test is now ready.


Do you have questions?
Don’t forget, our Connectif specialists are here to help you. To contact them, just open a Support ticket by clicking the blue “Help” button on your dashboard.


Keep learning!

To make the most of your Connectif account, we recommend reading these articles next:

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