WhatsApp product sharing button

Help contacts to share your eCommerce products with other potential customers on Whatsapp, to increase sales as well as reach. 

In this article you’ll learn how to create a button to share a product on WhatsApp.


Objective: Retention.
Difficulty: Beginner.
When to use it: Anytime. 


This strategy is part of our pool of templates. To implement it in your account, access your Connectif account, enter “Workflows Create new workflow”, go to the Create from template section, enter the name of the workflow in the search engine (Button to share product via WhatsApp), click on Select and then Create.


How it works

To display the button to share the product via WhatsApp, we will configure inline content in the workflow that includes the button and is displayed on the product page when the user visits.

Botón para compartir producto por Whatsapp-min.png


Workflow configuration


Before configuring your workflow, create the following elements:
Inline content, to show the button to share via WhatsApp.

STEP 1. "Start" node

(This node will set the target audience for the action).

1. Click (Edit node settings) for the “Start” node.

2. Under Select limitation, check "All my list".

3. Under Select data source, check “All existing and new”.

4. Click Update.

Botón para compartir producto por Whatsapp inicio-min.png


STEP 2. “On product visit" node

(This node will detect the product being visited).

5. Click  (Edit node settings) in the "On product visit" node.

6. Click Limitations and uncheck the "Deactivate after triggering" box.

7. Click Update.

Botón para compartir producto por Whatsapp al visitar producto-min.png


If you want to learn more about node limitations, click here.


STEP 3. “Send web content: inline” node

(This node will display inline content with the button to share a product).

8. Click (Edit node settings) in the “Send web content” node.

9. Select the corresponding inline content and click Next .

10. In Configuration, add the appropriate selector to display the content.

11. In the Variables step, link any variables there may be.

12. Click Complete .

Botón para compartir producto por Whatsapp enviar contenido web-min.png


To learn more about inline web content, click here.





Your workflow to set up a button for sharing products via WhatsApp is now ready.


Do you have questions?
Don’t forget, our Connectif specialists are here to help you. To contact them, just open a Support ticket by clicking the blue “Help” button on your dashboard.


Keep learning!

To make the most of your Connectif account, we recommend reading these articles next:

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