Optimized email campaign

Email is a basic element of our communications with the customers who visit our website or eCommerce which, if used well, allows us to increase sales and traffic. 

To optimize the deliverability of a bulk email campaign, your strategy should prioritize reaching the most recent contacts who have interacted with emails. This practice aims to improve the likelihood of emails reaching the recipients' inbox, as email providers such as Gmail and Outlook will individually analyze whether contacts have previously interacted with a sender’s messages.

If the mail managers’ analysis yields a negative result in terms of interaction, future mails are more likely to be diverted to the spam folder or not reach the inbox at all. Therefore, by first sending the campaign to the contacts who are most likely to interact with new messages, you maximize the chances that these recipients receive and open the mailings in their inbox.

By adopting this strategy, you increase the likelihood that campaign mailings will actually reach users' inboxes. It also reduces the risk of messages being flagged as spam or automatically filtered to other folders, increasing visibility and the likelihood that contacts will interact with new mailings.

In this article you’ll learn how to create an optimized email campaign.


Objective: Loyalty.
Difficulty: Intermediate.
When to use it: In any email campaign.


This strategy is part of our pool of templates. To implement it in your account, access your Connectif account and go to “Workflows Create new workflow”. In the Create from template section, enter the name of the workflow in the search engine (Optimized email campaign) then click Select and Create.


How it works

To perform the mailout in tranches, we first check if a contact belongs to a specific segment among several. If they belong to the first one, the email is sent to the contact immediately. If they do not belong, the workflow waits 15 minutes before checking if they belong to the next segment. We can add the number of waits, checks and dispatches we need depending on the segmentation. 

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Workflow configuration


Before configuring your workflow, create the following elements:
- The dynamic plus segment of last open/click < 30d, to group contacts subscribed to the newsletter who have opened or clicked on an email in the last 30 days .
- The dynamic plus segment of last open/click 31-60d, to group contacts subscribed to the newsletter who opened or clicked on the email between 31 and 60 days ago.
- The dynamic plus segment of last opened/clicked 61-90d, to group contacts subscribed to the newsletter who opened or clicked on the email between 61 and 90 days ago.
- The dynamic plus segment of new contacts with newsletter subscription, to group subscribed contacts that were created in the database in the last 30 days and have not opened or clicked on any email in that period of time.
- Four emails, for each of the sending segments.

STEP 1. "Start" node

(This node will set the target audience for the action).

1. Click (Edit node settings) for the “Start” node.

2. Under Select limitation, check "All my list" and select "Contacts with email".

3. Under Select data source, check “All existing”.

4. Click Update.

Campaña de email optimizada inicio-min.png


STEP 2. First "Is in segment" node

(This node will check if the contact belongs to the first dynamic plus segment created).

5. Click (Edit node settings) for the “Is in segment” node.

6. Under Select a segment, choose the segment to check.

7. Click Update.

Campaña de email optimizada primer pertenece a segmento-min.png


STEP 3. First “Send email” node

(This node will send the email to the contacts of the first segment).

8. At the junction of this node with the previous one, click on the circle until "Yes" appears.

9. Click (Edit node settings) in the “Send email” node.

10. Select the email you want to send and click Next .

11. In the Send to section, select "Contact".

12. Indicate the "Newsletter" type of email.

13. Configure the parameters section of "Send to contact".

14. Under Google Analytics, click "Enable Google Analytics" then Next .

15. Click Complete .

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STEP 4. First "Wait" node

(This node will initiate a waiting period before continuing the workflow).

16. At the junction of this node with the "Is in segment" node, click on the circle until "No" appears.

17. Click (Edit node settings) for the “Wait” node.

18. Under Set the time delay, select "A period of time" and enter "15" Days.

19. Click Update.

Campaña de email optimizada primer esperar-min.png


STEP 5. Second "Is in segment" node

(This node will check if the contact belongs to the second segment created).

20. Click (Edit node settings) for the “Is in segment” node.

21. Under Select a segment, choose the segment to check.

22. Click Update.

Campaña de email optimizada segundo pertenece a segmento-min.png


STEP 6. Second “Send email” node

(This node will send the email to the contacts that belong to the second segment).

23. At the junction of this node with the previous one, click on the circle until "Yes" appears.

24. Click (Edit node settings) in the “Send email” node.

25. Select the email you want to send and click Next .

26. In the Send to section, select "Contact".

27. Indicate the "Newsletter" type of email.

28. Configure the parameters section of "Send to contact".

29. Under Google Analytics, click "Enable Google Analytics" then Next .

30. Click Complete .

Campaña de email optimizada segundo enviar email-min.png


STEP 7. Second "Wait" node

(This node will initiate a waiting period before continuing the workflow).

31. At the junction of this node with the "Is in segment" node, click on the circle until "No" appears.

32. Click (Edit node settings) for the “Wait” node.

33. Under Set the time delay, select "A period of time" and enter "15" Days.

34. Click Update.

Campaña de email optimizada segundo esperar-min.png


STEP 8. Third "Is in segment" node

(This node will check if the contact belongs to the third dynamic plus segment).

35. Click (Edit node settings) for the “Is in segment” node.

36. Under Select a segment, choose the segment to check.

37. Click Update.

Campaña de email optimizada tercer pertenece a segmento-min.png


STEP 9. Third “Send email” node

(This node will send to the contacts of the third segment).

38. At the junction of this node with the previous one, click on the circle until "Yes" appears.

39. Click (Edit node settings) in the “Send email” node.

40. Select the email you want to send and click Next .

41. In the Send to section, select "Contact".

42. Indicate the "Newsletter" type of email.

43. Configure the parameters section of "Send to contact".

44. Under Google Analytics, click "Enable Google Analytics" then Next .

45. Click Complete .

Campaña de email optimizada tercer enviar email-min.png


STEP 10. Third "Wait" node.

(This node will initiate a waiting period before continuing the workflow).

46. At the junction of this node with the "Is in segment" node, click on the circle until "No" appears.

47. Click (Edit node settings) for the “Wait” node.

48. Under Set the time delay, select "A period of time" and enter "15" Days.

49. Click Update.

Campaña de email optimizada tercer esperar-min.png


STEP 11. Fourth "Is in segment" node.

(This node will check if the contact belongs to the fourth dynamic plus segment).

50. Click (Edit node settings) for the “Is in segment” node.

51. Under Select a segment, choose the segment to check.

52. Click Update.

Campaña de email optimizada cuerto pertenece a segmento-min.png


STEP 12. Fourth "Send email" node.

(This node will send the email to the contacts in the fourth segment).

53. At the junction of this node with the previous one, click on the circle until "Yes" appears.

54. Click (Edit node settings) in the “Send email” node.

55. Select the email you want to send and click Next .

56. In the Send to section, select "Contact".

57. Indicate the "Newsletter" type of email.

58. Configure the parameters section of "Send to contact".

59. Under Google Analytics, click "Enable Google Analytics" then Next .

60. Click Complete .

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Your workflow for sending an optimized email campaign is now ready.


Do you have questions?
Don’t forget, our Connectif specialists are here to help you. To contact them, just open a Support ticket by clicking the blue “Help” button on your dashboard.


Keep learning!

To make the most of your Connectif account, we recommend reading these articles next:

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