Contact count metrics


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Contact count metrics are two indicators that show the number of contacts and how it has increased over a given period of time. These metrics are found in Connectif's Data Explorer and are the Number of contacts and Increment of contacts.

This article explains the properties of the new contact count metrics and the different use cases to apply them in your marketing strategies.


1. Properties

1.1. Properties of metrics

  • Metrics allow grouping by all fields of the contact's profile, except Email domain and Age range.
  • The number of contacts refers to the number of contacts in your Connectif account at the end of a given period. It represents, therefore, the last date of the selected period.
  • The increment of contacts, on the other hand, represents the fluctuation in the number of contacts since the beginning of a given period.

The value of the increment of contacts metric will be negative if the number of contacts removed from your account is greater than the number of contacts created.

1.2. Properties of available data

  • Data is collected from July 8, 2022 onwards.
  • The count is always performed over a time interval.

For example, taking the July 2022 period as a reference, the value of the number of contacts will be how many contacts were in that grouping at the end of July 2022, while the value of the increment will represent the difference in contacts between the beginning and the end of the period.

2. How to use it in Connectif

Contact count metrics offer different applications to get to know the status of your contacts and apply this information in your strategies. Access them from the "Analytics > Data Explorer" path.

2.1. Monthly analysis of the database evolution

  1. In the toolbar, select the time interval whose information you want to obtain from the Period section, in this case, Year and Month.
  2. Drag the block to the Group by section.
  3. Select the metrics Number of contacts and Increment of contacts.
  4. Drag the blocks to the Metrics section.



2.2. Analysis of newsletter subscriber evolution

  1. In the toolbar, select the time interval whose information you want to obtain from the Period section, in this case Year and Month, and drag the block to the Group by section.
  2. Select Newsletter subscription status and drag the block to the Group by section.
  3. Select the metrics Number of contacts and Increment of contacts.
  4. Drag the blocks to the Metrics section.



2.3. Analysis of current RFM distribution

  1. In the toolbar, select the indicator RFM - Segment from the Value indicators section and drag the block to the Group by section.
  2. Select the metric Number of contacts.
  3. Drag the block to the Metrics section.



2.4. Daily analysis of the evolution of a specific segment

  1. In the toolbar, select the Segment indicator from the Contact profile section and drag the block to the Group by section.
  2. Filter by segment name to analyze a specific segment.
  3. Filter by Year, Month and Day by dragging these blocks to the Group by section.
  4. Select the metrics Number of contacts and Increment of contacts.
  5. Drag the blocks to the Metrics section.



2.5. Combinations of advanced metrics

You can create any combination and filtering of metrics you want to make your contact count more advanced, for example:

  • Check the monthly evolution of a segment of contacts who have active Push Notifications active and whose cell phone you know:


  • Find out the monthly evolution of the segments that have clicked on an email. The email click metric has been filtered to be greater than 0:




You’ve reached the end of the tutorial.


Do you have questions? 
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Keep learning!

To make the most of your Connectif account, we recommend reading these articles next:

  • Data explorer, to learn how to use the data collected by Connectif to create useful reports. 
  • Analytics Dashboards, to quickly view the most useful statistics of your account.
  • RFM analysis, to understand these metrics and how to segment contacts based on their purchasing behavior over time.
  • Contact fields, to consult user data and use it in different types of strategies.
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