“Contact has searched for a product” tag

The "Contact has searched for a product" tag is a snippet of HTML code that identifies when user visits a product as a direct result of a product search.


This article is part of the guide to creating a custom integration.
If your integration is via a module, this tag will be added to your ecommerce platform automatically.


What is this tag and where is it used?

The "cn_product_searched" tag should be inserted on product pages when the visitor arrives there via a search.



You’ll need to define the different properties of the product search action inside the "cn_product_searched" tag as child tags, indicating the name of the property in the "class" attribute.

All of these properties are exactly those of the Product object type.


Other considerations

Since they share properties, we recommend having this event triggered alongside the "Contact has visited a product" Tag when a product is visited from a search, as shown below:

<div class="cn_product_visited cn_product_searched" style="display:none">
... properties here ...



Once the properties are included, the tag will look like this:

<div class="cn_product_searched" style="display:none">
<span class="url">http://example.org/products/pr556</span>
<span class="product_id">pr556</span>
<span class="name">HTC Vive Gafas de Realidad Virtual</span>
<span class="description">Las gafas de realidad virtualHTC Vive son el equipo más completo de realidad virtual del momento.</span>
<span class="image_url">http://example.org/img/products/pr556.jpg</span>
<span class="unit_price">899.50</span>
<span class="availability">InStock</span>
<span class="category">/Ordenadores/VR</span>
<span class="tag">VR</span>
<span class="brand">HTC</span>
<span class="review_count">0</span>
<span class="rating_value">0</span>
<span class="thumbnail_url">http://example.org/img/thumbnails/products/pr556.jpg</span>
<span class="related_external_product_id">pr579</span>
<span class="related_external_product_id">pr112</span>
<span class="related_external_product_id">pr385</span>
<span class="published_at">2020-05-20T15:24:20Z</span>
<span class="custom_field_1">Información personalizada de ejemplo</span>



You’ve reached the end of the tutorial.


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Keep learning!

To make the most of your Connectif account, we recommend reading these articles next:

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