Dynamic Plus Segment

The dynamic plus segment, unlike the dynamic segment, allows grouping contacts into much more precise segments as it allows filtering, not only by contact fields, but also by activities and their metrics. Additionally, it has more operators and filtering options that enable you to personalize your campaigns and optimize results quickly and easily.


If you want to learn more about the differences between dynamic plus segments and dynamic segments, click here.


How to access?

You can access your created segments through the path "Contacts > Segments". 

To create a dynamic plus segment, click on   Create New Segment, select the type Dynamic Plus Segment, and click on   Go to segment editor.

Dynamic plus segment - 5-min.png



The editing page of a dynamic plus segment is composed of 3 blocks:

  1. Main menu: to save the segment or a copy, reset the last saved configuration, change the name, and delete segments.
  2. Filter selector: to define the segment through the multiple available filters.
  3. Preview: to check, in case of creating the segment, how many contacts would enter it and how many would be left out. Additionally, you have available the summary in text mode so you can read and share the description of your segment.

Dynamic plus segment - 6-min.png



Dynamic plus segments allow adding filters on contact fields or activities to design your segment as precisely as possible.


Dynamic plus segments are automatically updated, approximately every 3 hours, maintaining their accuracy and that of the strategies they participate in.

The fields and activities available for use as filters are categorized as follows:

  • "Contact Profile": to filter by fields with sociodemographic information provided by Connectif, such as contact name, date of birth, email, newsletter subscription status, etc.
  • "Custom Fields": to filter by any custom field you have created in your account.
  • "Value Indicators": to filter by the RFM segment or by RFM-Recency, RFM-Frequency, and RFM-Monetary Value.
  • "Purchases": to filter by purchase activities and by the most important metrics related to these activities, such as the total number of purchases made by the contact, the total or average amount of purchases, etc.
  • "Carts": to filter by cart-related activities, such as cart abandonments and products added or removed from the cart.
  • "Products": to filter by product visit activities.
  • "Emails": to filter by activities related to your email campaigns, such as sends, opens, clicks, etc.
  • "Push Notifications": to filter by activities related to your push notification campaigns, such as sends, opens, clicks, etc.
  • "Web Content": to filter by activities related to your web content campaigns, such as open and click activities.
  • "SMS": to filter by SMS sending and bounce activities.
  • "Page Visits": to filter by page visit activities.
  • "Custom Integrations": to filter by activities or fields related to custom integrations of the Store.

Up to ten options can be added in each filter used. If you want to add any additional ones, you must add the same category again and include the extra option or options in it.

Additionally, to achieve greater precision, Connectif provides powerful filters within each of these activities that allow for greater audience customization, optimizing the results of strategies. 


The option to filter on activity attributes is available for all activities in dynamic plus segments, such as cart abandonment, email send, open, and click, page visit, etc.


Connectif stores data from the last 2 years for eCommerce-related activities, such as purchases, carts, and products. Data available for other activities is generated from January 1, 2022 onwards.

The time range available for filtering activities in your dynamic plus segments may vary depending on the plan assigned to you.


Some examples of using contact segmentation based on activity attributes are:

— "Purchases": to segment contacts who have made purchases exceeding a certain value, containing more than a certain quantity of products, or including items from a certain brand, category, or price.
— "Carts": to segment contacts who have abandoned a cart with a value exceeding €100.
— "Emails": to segment contacts who have clicked on a specific link from a specific email.
— "Page Visits": to segment contacts who have visited a page on your store via Google or Facebook.


1. Create a filter on a contact field or metric

In the filter selector (2), choose the field or metric to filter by, the operator appropriate to your goal, and the value to compare to..


In our example, a filter is created on the contact field “Newsletter Subscription Status”, with the operator “Is equal to” and with the comparison value “Subscribed”. This way, the segment selects only contacts subscribed to the newsletter.

Dynamic plus segment - 7-min.png


2. Create a filter on an activity

In the filter selector (2), choose the activity to filter by, select the appropriate operator or operators for your goal, and configure them. Add additional filters on the activity, if desired.


In our example, the activity "Purchase Activities" has been selected, leaving the default operators. This way, contacts who have made more than "0" purchases, meaning they have made at least one purchase in the last "365" Days, are filtered. Additionally, an additional filter has been added to indicate that the purchase has a "Total Price" greater than "300" €.

With this configuration, in our example, the segment will include contacts who have made at least one purchase exceeding €300 in the last year.

Dynamic plus segment - 8-min.png


3. Create a filter on a custom integration


Once a custom integration is used to create a segment, it cannot be deleted. Additionally, if any of its fields are being used as segmentation conditions, they cannot be deleted or edited either. 

In the filter selector (2), choose Custom Integrations and, from the dropdown, select the integration you want to create the selection from. 

Dynamic plus segment - 1-min.png

From this integration, you must choose from the different data send and/or receive events you have created.


In our example, the custom integration Visitors offline and the data receive event Visitors offline have been selected.

Dynamic plus segment - 2-min.png

Configure the number of times that event must have been activated and in the time period it must have occurred.

Dynamic plus segment - 3-min.png

Once you have chosen the send or receive event and the number of times that event has been activated, click on Add Activity Filter to add the conditions of the fields from your custom integration that contacts must meet.


In our example, it has been selected that contacts who come from the Visitors offline event more than "1" time in the last "30" days and who do not have the email field empty enter the segment.

With this configuration, in our example, the segment will include contacts from whom we have the email and who come from the Visitors offline custom integration at least once in the last 30 days.

Dynamic plus segment - 4-min.png


4. Create a filter with logical operators

Dynamic plus segments allow the use of conjunction logical operators “AND” and disjunction “OR” to relate your filters.

To use them, click on “AND” so that both conditions are met, or on “OR” so that one of the two conditions is met.


In our example, we have combined the two filters described in the previous examples using the "AND" operator. This way, for a contact to enter the segment, the conditions described in both filters must be met at the same time.

If a contact is subscribed to the newsletter but has not made any purchases in the last 365 days with a value exceeding €300, they will not enter the segment. Similarly, if the contact has made a purchase under those conditions but is not subscribed, they will be excluded from the segment.

Dynamic plus segment - 9-min.png


5. Previewing the dynamic plus segment

The previewer visually reflects the number of contacts that currently meet the selected filters. This makes it easier to evaluate whether the number of contacts that would enter the segment meets your requirements or if it is necessary to redefine the segmentation conditions.

In the preview area (3), click on the   Click to preview button to generate data for your future segmentation, with useful information about the number of contacts that will enter or be excluded from the segment.


At the bottom of the preview area (3), you can read a text summary of the applied filters, which facilitates understanding and presentation to others.

Dynamic plus segment - 10-min.png


In accounts with more than one million contacts, to speed up the process, a default sampling of the database is applied to load the preview more quickly, although less accurately.

However, you have the option to switch to normal mode, sacrificing the loading speed of the sampling, if the goal is to obtain a more accurate preliminary result.


6. Using the dynamic plus segment

In the main menu (1), click on  Save so that the segment is available to be used in the workflows you consider.


Remember that you can choose the audience for your workflows from the “Start” node.

If you want to learn more about the "Start" node, click here.

Dynamic plus segment - 11-min.png



You have reached the end of the lesson.


Still have unanswered questions?
Remember that our Connectif specialists are at your disposal. To contact them, simply open a support ticket by clicking on the blue "Help" button on your dashboard.


Differences between dynamic plus segment and dynamic segment

The following table provides a comparative overview of the main features available in dynamic plus segments and dynamic segments:

Functionality Dynamic Segment Plus  Dynamic Segment
Filter by contact fields    
Filter by contact activities    
Filter by activity properties    
Use Y (AND) operators between filters    
Use O (OR) operators between filters    
Nest filters    
Create exclusion group of contacts    
Preview of the number of contacts that will enter the segment    
Summary in text mode    
Update Every 3 hours Real-time


Keep Learning!

To make the most of your Connectif account, we recommend continuing with the following articles:

  • Static Segment, to segment contacts through workflows.
  • Dynamic Segment, to automatically segment contacts based on common characteristics.
  • RFM Analysis, to understand how Connectif automatically segments contacts based on their purchasing behavior.

  • Data Explorer, to use all data collected by Connectif to create detailed and customized reports.

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