Web channel configuration

Once information is being sent to Connectif, either through HTML tags, JavaScript events, or API, it is necessary to check the status of the communication settings between the web and Connectif to ensure everything is working correctly.

This article explains how to configure the web channel integration in Connectif.


Implementation time: 10 minutes.
Difficulty: Easy.
When to use it? After completing your custom integration.


This article is part of the guide to creating a custom integration.
Review it to complete the correct installation of Connectif in your eCommerce.


STEP 1. Domain Authorization


Connectif can be installed on multiple web domains simultaneously, sharing the same account. This section allows you to configure the domains that the platform will consider as valid sources of information.

1. Go to Store Settings in the left sidebar menu.

2. In the tab selector, go to "Channels > Web".

Check the configuration of web integration in Connectif - 1-min.png


3. Go to "Advanced Settings > Authorized Domains" and add the domains one by one that will be able to send information to Connectif.


It is essential that the Connectif JavaScript is present on all the domains you add in this section.

Check the configuration of web integration in Connectif - 2-min.png


Establishing the authorized domains allows for the verification of received data and discards any request from unrecognized sources. This validation mechanism ensures the integrity of the information on the platform against possible malicious attacks.


STEP 2. Review the script configuration according to the type of integration

4. Go to "Advanced Settings > Script Configuration".


Do not close this window until the configuration is complete. This section determines how the Connectif script will behave.

2.1. Server-rendered tags

(This section identifies the options that should be set if the implementation was through server-rendered HTML tags).

5. Select the options Auto-initialize client script and Auto-send events when initializing client script.

6. Click Save.

Check the configuration of web integration in Connectif - 3-min.png


2.2. Client-rendered tags

(This section identifies the options that should be set if the implementation was through client-rendered HTML tags).

7. Select the options Auto-initialize client script and Auto-send events when initializing client script.

8. Click Save.

Check the configuration of web integration in Connectif - 3-min.png


2.3. JavaScript events

(This section identifies the options that should be set if the implementation was through JavaScript events, which in this case will depend on the details of the implementation.)

9. Deselect the option Auto-initialize client script to control when the Connectif script initializes. This setting may be necessary when your page needs to load some asynchronous section before initializing the Connectif script.

10. Disable the option Auto-send events when initializing client script, unless your integration has a mixed approach where some HTML tags are also used.

11. Click Save.

Check the configuration of web integration in Connectif - 4-min.png


2.4. API

(This section identifies the options that should be set if the implementation was via API).


If your integration is via API, you will have had to decide how to complement it, as it is not possible to integrate all events exclusively through the Connectif API.

12. Go to point 2.1 if your integration is through server-rendered HTML tags.

13. Go to point 2.2 if your integration is through client-rendered HTML tags.

14. Go to point 2.3 if your integration is through JavaScript notifications.


STEP 3. Review how data is shared between sub-domains


In the Multiple Sub-domains Configuration section, you can choose to track anonymous contacts across all sub-domains managed by the same Connectif account.


This option is not recommended for accounts with only one authorized domain. Enabling it adds an additional load that could reduce performance, so it is advised to do so only in scenarios where it is necessary.

15. Go to "Advanced Settings > Multiple Sub-domains Configuration".

16. Check the box Share contact data between all sub-domains.

17. Click Save.

Web channel configuration (changes July 24) - 1 (1)-min.png


An anonymous contact is assigned a different value in the trackerId field for each sub-domain, unless they log in to each one of them. In that case, Connectif would unify the anonymous profiles of each sub-domain into a single known profile.

By activating this option, the anonymous contact identification for this account can be shared among websites that share a top-level domain, i.e.: mystore.com, blog.mystore.com, checkout.mystore.com... and it would not work on domains like mystore.co.uk or mystore-a.com.



Your Web Integration configuration in Connectif has been verified.


Once you have configured the Web Integration, the next step is to review the configuration of the eCommerce Integration.


Keep learning!

To take full advantage of your Connectif account, we recommend continuing with the following articles:

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